
  • Reinandus Aditya Gunawan Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
  • Rakhdiny Sustaningrum Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya



artificial intelligence, banking, financial performance, sustainability


With sustainability as a variable that either increases or weakens the relationship between the two, the study examines how Indonesia's conventional banking sector's deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) has affected financial performance as measured by ROA and ROE. The 10 biggest public banks in Indonesia that were listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange between 2022 and 2023 provided the data. Most banks often include information on sustainability initiatives and the usage of AI technology in their annual reports. Analyzing data with linear regression models and SPSS tests. Research indicates that, when sustainability is taken into account as a moderating component, the adoption of AI has no discernible effect on ROA. Nonetheless, implementing AI with a moderate degree of sustainability has a favorable and noteworthy impact on ROE.


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