Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Charitas https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas <p>Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Charitas memuat artikel hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari berbagai bidang keilmuan teknik. Artikel yang ditulis merupakan artikel yang orisinal, ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris. Artikel ditulis dengan penyajian pendahuluan, metode pelaksanaan, hasil dan pembahasan, kesimpulan dan saran, ucapan terima kasih, serta daftar pustaka.</p> en-US jurnal.charitas@atmajaya.ac.id (Redaksi Jurnal Charitas) wimpi.priambudi@atmajaya.ac.id (Wimpi Priambudi, S.E) Wed, 07 Feb 2024 09:32:27 +0100 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 RANCANG BANGUN ALAT PENGUPAS KULIT BAWANG UNTUK PANTI ASUHAN BHAKTI KASIH BOGOR https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2872 <p>Red onions and garlics are one of the most usual spices that is used in Indonesian food. One of the content inside the onions is sulfur, which can react chemically and form sulfenic acid. Sulfenic acid is one of the chemical compound which can cause sore to redness on human’s eyes. Production process that include pre-harvest to post-harvest requires support of effective facilities, suitable equipment and agricultural machinery so that productivity could be increased. Red onions and garlics peeling in mass number will cost a lot of time and can cause irritation on human’s eyes. Therefore, an onion peeler which can peel a lot of red onions and garlics without human intervention is needed to increase productivity. Bhakti Kasih Orphanage at Bogor provides a home for 55 children from around Indonesia such as Papua, Ambon, Nias, Jakarta and even Timor Leste. Furthermore, there are also 4 caretakers and 7 alumni from Bhakti Kasih Orphanage living with them. Foods that are provided there often use red onions and garlic as base spices, which usually takes 20 minutes per kilogram garlics or red onions to peel the skin off.</p> SHEILA TOBING Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Charitas https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2872 Tue, 09 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0100 PENDAMPINGAN PENGOLAHAN LELE MENJADI BAKSO LELE UNTUK USAHA SKALA RUMAH TANGGA BAGI IBU-IBU DI DESA SAMPORA https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2911 <p>Budidaya lele di desa Sampora telah berkembang dan menghasilkan lele yang selain dijual juga dimanfaatkan untuk dijadikan lele asap maupun makanan siap saji. Kami Tim Pengmas Fakultas Teknik melakukan pendampingan Industri bagi ibu-ibu desa Sampora untuk memanfaatkan hasil budidaya lele tersebut. Salah satu olahan Lele adalah bakso lele yang nantinya akan dijual di warung pujasera yang disiapkan oleh BumDes. Pada masa pandemi ini Tim Pengmas mengalami kesulitan dalam hal pengasapan lele karena menghindari adanya kerumunan anak-anak yang sering terjadi saat pengasapan berlangsung. Untuk menghadapi masalah ini, maka kami berusaha tetap melakukan pendampingan kepada ibu-ibu desa Sampora dengan memanfaatkan lele segar yang diolah menjadi Bakso. Bakso ini dapat dijadikan bakso panggang maupun bakso kuah yang banyak diminati anak-anak , remaja, maupun orang dewasa. Pengolahan lele menjadi sup bakso lele disajikan dalam bentuk video dan dapat diakses secara online. Sedangkan hasil akhir diberikan kapada ibu ibu agar dapat mencicipi rasa sup bakso tersebut. Setelah pandemi berakhir, diharapkan sup bakso lele dapat dijual di warung Pujasera yang akan dikelola oleh BumDes.</p> Theresia Ghozali, Kumala Indriati, Wibawa Prasetya Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Charitas https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2911 Tue, 09 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Pendampingan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Ibu Rumah Tangga Desa Sampora Melalui Pendirian Warung Makan https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2954 <p>The community service aimed to a group of housewives in the Sampora village empower their household economy through the establishment of food stalls. The housewives who participated in this study were those who have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. They had been involved in previous community service activities which were organized by Faculty of Engineering, Atma Jaya Catholic University so that they already had the ability to process catfish into various types of food. The stage to establish the selling stalls used the PDCA method including the plan, do, check and action. This activity hopefully increase the household income for them</p> Yanto Yanto Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Charitas https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2954 Tue, 09 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Pelatihan Pembuatan Green packaging Untuk Pembungkus Sayuran Hidroponik Mom’s Farm yang Ramah Lingkungan di Kampung Nagrek https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2707 <p>Product packaging is an image or description of an object that protects and is an essential element in sales. Packaging design and packaging form have an essential role in influencing consumer decisions to buy a product. The better the packaging displayed by the company, the more consumers will decide to choose and buy the product. Mom's Farm, a joint effort between residents of Nagreg Village in Sampora Village and Unika Atma Jaya, which is engaged in urban farming, realises the importance of preserving the environment. This business produces daily hydroponic vegetables such as mustard greens and lettuce. Replacing the old plastic packaging with green packaging, from banana leaves, will attract more buyers because the products use unique and environmentally friendly packaging. Finally, in addition to benefiting from the vegetables consumed, buyers can also contribute directly to reducing plastic waste and supporting environmental conservation.&nbsp; This community service activity aims to provide insight into the importance of preserving the environment through green packaging and assisting in making packaging from banana leaves. The planned activity has done well, and the participants can quickly follow the teaching of making packaging from banana leaves. Furthermore, based on the results of the feedback questionnaire, the participant's assessment also showed that overall, the informants received good and excellent scores in delivering the material.</p> Agustinus Silalahi, Christine Natalia, Wibawa Prasetya, Marcellina Cynthia Lictyawati Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Charitas https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2707 Tue, 09 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Sosialisasi dan Penyerahan Rancangan Cold Storage sebagai Tempat Penyimpanan Hasil Panen Urban Farming “MOM’S FARM” di Kampung Nagrek https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2981 <p>Obstacles found in urban farming include vegetables that are not durable and perishable before being consumed, marketed, or further distributed to the nearest markets or retailers. The activity aimed to inform and share cold storage design to store the harvesting "Mom's Farm" urban farming at Nagrek Village. The design of cold storage is using the Design Thinking (DT) method. DT is a human-centered approach to innovation in the industry 4.0 era. The monitoring and evaluation program results show that several factors can be added as criteria for the design plan of cold storage: considering aspects of electrical energy requirements and limited access to electrical energy consumption in cold storage designs for use in cold storage designs remote areas.</p> Ferdian Suprata, Feliks P.S Surbakti, Victoria P.L.K Tampubolon Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Charitas https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2981 Tue, 09 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Literasi Pengelolaan Keuangan IKM Anggota Forum Komunikasi Pelaku Usaha di Kabupaten Malang https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2863 <p><em>Although considered as one of the main drivers of the national economy, SMEs are very vulnerable to business competition. Limited access to resources including knowledge resources makes SMEs constrained to develop their support system. One of the obstacles faced by SMEs today is their limited grasp to the business financial management concept. They also have a difficulty in accessing a simple financial accounting application that fit to their business conditions. The community service program implemented by the Ma Chung Abdimas Grant Team aims to improve the financial literacy of SME members of Forum Komunikasi Pelaku Usaha in Kabupaten Malang, as well as their access to computer-based financial accounting application. This program is implemented in the form of training and mentoring to improve SME’s understanding and skills in financial management. The results concluded that the training program was effective. It is able to improve financial management literacy for IKM partners.</em></p> Sunday Noya, Yurida Ekawati, Teguh Oktiarso, Yuswono Hadi, Purnomo ,, Novenda Kartika Putrianto Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Charitas https://ejournal.atmajaya.ac.id/index.php/charitas/article/view/2863 Tue, 09 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0100