
  • Monique Virginsia Simon Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia



LDR, LCR, NSFR, NIM, ROA, Dummy Variable, Bank BUMN,, Non-BUMN


For a country, banking is one of the institutions or companies that have an important role in the economy. In order to maintain banking health, banks must manage assets to generate profits and healthy liquidity. This study aims to determine the difference in the effect of liquidity ratios and profitability ratios on the share prices of BUMN Banks and Non-BUMN Banks before covid and during covid. This study uses a panel data method processed with Eviews 10. The data used is data for 10 banks included in INFOBANK15 and quarterly data from 2018-2022. The independent variables used are Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Return On Asset (ROA), and Dummy variables that explain the impact before covid and during covid, while the dependent variable is the bank's stock price. The results of this study indicate that the LDR in each regression has a significant negative effect on stock prices. LCR in the overall regression and the Non-BUMN Bank regression has a positive significant effect on stock prices. However, LCR in the BUMN Bank regression has no effect on stock prices. NSFR in the combined regression and BUMN Bank regression has a significant negative effect on stock prices, but NSFR has no effect on stock prices in the Non-BUMN Bank regression. NIM in each regression cannot affect bank stock prices. An increase in NIM will not affect bank share prices. ROA has a positive significant effect on stock prices in each regression.


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