
  • Indra Perdana Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Joni Bungai Universitas Palangka Raya



material-based, hot potatoes, teaching method, students’ vocabulary


To learn to read, write, talk, and listen, students must master vocabulary. To get good at the four basic English skills, you need to learn new words. Learners can easily access the Hot Potatoes app from anywhere with an internet connection and a simple computer browser. There are exercise templates in the Hot Potatoes programs that can be used to make web-based tasks that can be uploaded to servers and made available to students. There are six different kinds of web-based workouts that Hot Potatoes can make. These can be used on their own or connected to other workouts or activities to make a number of tasks. The app Hot Potatoes is helpful because it lets students revise and change their work by giving them hints and then giving them comments in the target language. Teachers can also choose which email address will receive student grades by using the Hot Potatoes program. The purpose of this study is to find out what happens to tenth-grade students at SMKN 2 Palangka Raya when they use Hot Potato-based learning materials to improve their language. This study examines how Hot Potatoes used in SMKN 2 Palangka Raya tenth graders. This research topic is whether Hot Potatoes improve students' vocabularies before and after teaching. The research utilizes a pre-experimental design, the one-group pretest-posttest approach, because consists of only one group serving as both the control and experimental groups. In the one-group pretest-posttest design, a single group is monitored both before and after receiving therapy.To address the study topic, the researcher calculates pre- and post-test scores using paired sample t-test. H0 is rejected by paired sample t-test. The 2-tailed Sig. value is 0.000 < 0.05. Students' vocabulary scores changed significantly between pre- and post-test. Paired Sample Statistic showed that the mean before teaching with Hot Potatoes was 52.73 and after was 82.42. Hot Potatoes is alternative for the students in learning English especially in vocabulary. This reason is based on the result of test after getting treatment. The activity using the Hot Potatoes makes the students are easy to understand the material. In addition, this activity invites the students to be active and creative. Active here means that the students participate in studying of English and they feel fun. Meanwhile, creative here means that the students do the gap-fill exercise and matching exercise. The implementation Hot Potatoes in  teaching  and  learning gives  positive  effect  on  the  students’ achievement. It can be done because by fun learning, information can be understood and maintained well Teachers are suggested to use the media as one of the variations in teaching English and they can use technology as integrated media at school. The other researchers can do the similar research with other media or authoring tool besides Hot Potatoes such as Quizlet, Notion, Kahoot and so on



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