
  • Mila Adinda The University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka
  • Zuhad Ahmad The University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka



Teaching English, English pronunciation, English in Mind textbook


Pronunciation is one of the important elements of basic speaking skills. It is related to how human beings produce sounds by using their articulatory organs of speech. Pronunciation plays an important role in communication to avoid pronunciation errors that can lead to misunderstandings in communication between the speaker and the listener. This fact points out that learning pronunciation is very important for English Foreign Language (EFL) and English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. An appropriate English textbook is needed to facilitate learners’ needs as foreign language learners. Indonesia’s Government, through the Ministry of Education and Culture, has appointed English in Mind as one of the main English textbooks for the Independence Curriculum, especially at the Junior High School level. This study aims to analyze the distribution of both consonant and vowel phonemes found in English in Mind, to evaluate the content and to find out whether this book has accommodated all the materials needed by teachers for teaching English pronunciation. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative research methodology that focused on descriptive qualitative. The data is needed by using a literature study and interview. A literature study was used to gather all data required for the analysis of consonant and vowel phoneme distribution. The data are taken from an English in Mind textbook, Students’ Book 1. Meanwhile, the interview was established to get more insight from the English teachers related to the importance of teaching pronunciation, the impact of phoneme differences in Indonesia and English, factors affecting pronunciation learning, pronunciation learning strategies, and the use of English in Mind textbook in teaching English pronunciation. In this research, it was found that some consonant and vowel phonemes in English could not be found at the initial and final of the English in Mind textbook. The consonant and vowel sounds are /ŋ/, /ʒ/, /ʊ/, /u:/, /w/, /j/, /h/, /æ/, /e/, /ɜ:/, /ʌ/, and /ɒ/. Meanwhile, there are all consonant and vowel phoneme sounds found in the middle part. Based on the interview results, all informants agreed that teaching English pronunciation is important to be taught to learners in the classroom. Then, the differences between Indonesian and English phonemes can affect learners’ pronunciation skills. They always include English pronunciation material in every lesson in the classroom. In addition, there are differences from the informants regarding teaching English pronunciation through the English in Mind textbook. Furthermore, all informants shared the same opinion that they had encountered pronunciation mistakes made by learners.



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