Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) <p>Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) merupakan kegiatan ilmiah tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya (PKBB), Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya sejak tahun 2002 . Forum ilmiah ini menghadirkan para peneliti, dosen/guru, mahasiswa serta pemerhati bahasa dan budaya, baik dari dalam negeri maupun mancanegara untuk menyajikan hasil penelitiannya. Makalah-makalah yang dibentangkan dalam KOLITA meliputi bidang-bidang berikut: - Fonologi; - Morfologi; - Sintaksis; - Semantik; - Pragmatik; - Psikolinguistik; - Sosiolinguistik; - Bahasa dan budaya; - Bahasa dan komunikasi; - Pemerolehan bahasa; - Pengajaran bahasa; - Tes bahasa; - Analisis wacana; - Linguistik forensik; - Linguistik kognitif; dan - Etnolinguistik. Mereka yang berminat membentangkan hasil penelitiannya di KOLITA diundang melalui proses seleksi abstrak. Setiap abstrak yang dikirim ke Panitia KOLITA akan dikaji kelayakannya oleh tim penyeleksi abstrak (reviewer). Apabila abstrak dinyatakan lolos seleksi, Panitia KOLITA akan meminta calon pemakalah untuk mengirimkan makalah ringkas untuk dimuat dalam prosiding KOLITA.</p> Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya en-US Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2549-810X Cover dan daftar isi Yanti Yanti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 i vi NON-NATIVE ENGLISH TEACHER REQUESTING IDENTITY TO MOTIVATE STUDENTS IN EFL CLASSROOM <p>Non-native English teacher in the context of teaching is in two languages and two cultures. This condition is the basis for further study which is very useful for research on developing students' pragmatic competence (Achiba, 2018), because there are indications that teachers in the two-cultural context use request with excessive supportive moves utterances and lack of knowledge in using internal modifications (Ahangari &amp; Shoghli, 2011). Data source used to obtain data on requests used by the teacher when teaching in class. Observations were made for all grade levels of senior high school by recording while the teacher was in the teaching process. Participant teacher with non-native English background was involved in the research. The transcriptions obtained from the recording in the teaching learning process were analyzed based on requesting speech theory (Blum Kulka, S., House, J., &amp; Kasper in <br>Olshtain, 1989). Interview was also done to explore why the teacher uses request modifications in giving instructions to her students. The results show that there is a modification of requests with the use of English and Indonesian in the delivery of requests used by the teacher when giving instructions. This modification was also strengthened by the repetition of the words please and ok which were indicated because of the influence of the teacher's first language culture. This culture correlates with the politeness foundation of the teacher's first language culture. These modified models are further strengthened by the teacher's belief that this is to show identity as an English teacher which can motivate students to always participate in teaching in class. In other words, the teacher wants to show himself to be a teacher figure who is not being feared by students. Furthermore, this research can be deepened by conducting an analysis on the types of request strategies or how the process of developing students' pragmatic competence can develop with interactions using these utterances based on the perspectives of teachers and students.</p> Agis Andriani Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 1 10 10.25170/kolita.21.4824 RETORIKA LAPORAN PELECEHAN SEKSUAL: STUDI PERBANDINGAN PADA SUBJEK LANGSUNG DAN TIDAK LANGSUNG <p><em>Kasus pelecehan seksual dapat menjadi polemik tersendiri bagi korbannya. Polemik tersebut dapat berupa ketidaktahuan mengenai tempat melapor dan citra negatif sebagai korban pelecehan seksual. Pada konteks ini, kasus pelecehan seksual terus berkembang bentuknya baik yang berupa pelecehan seksual secara fisik maupun digital. Penelitian yang mengeksplorasi pola retorika teks di masyarakat sudah banyak dilakukan. Akan tetapi penelitian yang mengkaji retorika laporan kasus pelecehan seksual masih belum banyak dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan perbandingan retorika teks pelaporan kasus pelecehan seksual yang dibuat oleh subjek langsung (korban) dan subjek tidak langsung (bukan korban). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan mengaplikasikan pendekatan Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) untuk menganalisis genre laporan pengaduan kasus pelecehan seksual. Data yang digunakan ialah laporan kasus pelecehan seksual di situs </em><em><u></u></em><em>. Sampel yang dianalisis sebanyak 11 laporan yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposif yang mengacu pada kriteria-kriteria berupa laporan yang memuat kasus pelecehan seksual, dan laporan yang dibuat pada tahun 2021 sampai dengan 2023. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kesimpulan berupa adanya perbedaan pola retorika, jumlah tahap, dan dominasi tahap pada laporan yang dibuat oleh korban dan bukan korban. Perbedaan tersebut dapat mencerminkan adanya kedekatan emosi sebagai dampak pengalaman traumatis berupa pelecehan seksual. Selain itu, sejumlah tahap yang ditemukan pada laporan kasus pelecehan seksual mencakup delapan tahap yakni Greeting, Orientation of The Issue, Describing the Event, Self-Evaluation, Delivering Request, Describing Identity, Describing Suspect, dan Acknowledgement. Penelitian ini diharapkah dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai cara membuat laporan kasus pelecehan seksual yang berterima dan efektif sehingga kasus dapat segera ditindaklanjuti, serta korban mendapat keadilan atas kondisi tidak menyenangkan yang menimpanya. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini dapat berperan dalam upaya pencegahan kasus pelecehan seksual apabila pelapor dapat mengadopsi pola retorika cara melaporkan pelecehan seksual yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini. Selain itu, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dikembangkan ke dalam kerangka desain penelitian linguistik forensik yang lebih komprehensif dengan menggunakan alat analisis yang mendalam.</em></p> Amanda Puspanditaning Sejati Sifa Rini Handayani Dedah Ningrum Emi Lindayani Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 11 17 10.25170/kolita.21.4827 ENHANCING PRAGMATIC KNOWLEDGE WITH CHATGPT: BENEFITS AND CONSIDERATIONS <p><em>Pragmatic knowledge, or the ability to use language appropriately in social situations, is a crucial aspect of effective communication. ChatGPT, a chatbot based on the GPT-3 language model, has the potential to serve as a tool for improving pragmatic knowledge. ChatGPT is trained on a large dataset of human conversation and can generate responses that are coherent, diverse, and context-specific. By providing opportunities for users to practice their language use in a variety of contexts and real-time feedback, ChatGPT can help language learners to develop their pragmatic skills. However, the use of ChatGPT also raises several challenges and ethical considerations. Understanding the benefits and challenges of using ChatGPT for pragmatic language learning will be crucial in determining its potential as a tool for language learning. </em><em>The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the benefits and challenges of using ChatGPT for pragmatic language learning. To understand the potential of ChatGPT for pragmatic language learning, the researchers review the main features and capabilities of ChatGPT. This includes its ability to generate a response in different styles and registers and how it can be used for pragmatic language acquisition. The challenges and limitations of ChatGPT are also examined, including its imperfect simulation of human conversation, reliance on large amounts of data, and potential to reinforce stereotypes or biases. </em><em>The researchers discuss the potential benefits of ChatGPT, including its ability to simulate natural conversation, generate diverse and context-specific responses, and adapt to the user's language level and learning goals. In addition, to providing valuable practice in simulating natural conversation, ChatGPT’s ability to generate coherent and context-specific responses can also help the user to develop their pragmatic skills, such as understanding and interpreting the intended meanings of others. </em><em>The researchers consider the ethical implications of using ChatGPT for pragmatic language learning and the need for further research in this area. Overall, this paper provides a nuanced perspective on the potential and limitations of ChatGPT as a tool for enhancing pragmatic knowledge.</em></p> Anindita Dewangga Puri FX. Risang Baskara Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 18 23 10.25170/kolita.21.4828 ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA PADA REAKSI WARGANET TENTANG PERBEDAAN REPRESENTASI ARIEL TERHADAP CITRA DISNEY DAN FILM THE LITTLE MERMAID <p><em>Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang pesat, saat ini pengguna media sosial khususnya warganet bisa aktif berinteraksi dengan menanggapi informasi atau konten yang mereka dapatkan di media sosial. Disney mengunggah video official teaser trailer film The Little Mermaid di media sosial resmi mereka yakni YouTube, Instagram dan Twitter. Unggahan tersebut memunculkan berbagai reaksi dari warganet hingga menimbulkan kontroversi di kalangan warganet. Hal tersebut dikarenakan oleh perbedaan representasi Ariel di film The Little Mermaid versi live action (2023) dengan versi kartun atau orisinal (1989). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pendapat warganet terkait perbedaan representasi Ariel di film The Little Mermaid serta menganalisis pendapat warganet terkait citra Disney dan film The Little Mermaid. Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa teori yaitu media sosial, representasi, citra dan semiotika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode analisis semiotika dari Ferdinand de Saussure. Data dalam penelitian ini didapatkan melalui observasi dengan bantuan alat pengumpulan komentar dari situs </em><a href=""><em></em></a><em>. Observasi pada interaksi warganet pada video official teaser trailer film The Little Mermaid pada media sosial resmi Disney yakni YouTube, Instagram dan Twitter dilakukan pada 10 September 2022 hingga 10 November 2022. Interaksi yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) applause yaitu respon singkat berupa like dan dislike (2) amplification yaitu penyebaran informasi berupa retweet (3) conversation yaitu percakapan di media sosial berupa comment dan reply. Untuk memahami makna pendapat dari warganet lebih dalam, peneliti mengambil tiga komentar dari setiap media sosial lalu menganalisisnya dengan metode analisis semiotika Saussure yang berfokus pada signifier dan signified. Peneliti memilih tiga komentar dari tiap media sosial karena sudah mencangkup beberapa faktor penting yaitu komentar mewakili suara banyak orang, komentar berkaitan dengan representasi serta citra Disney dan film The Little Mermaid, komentar mengandung makna positif atau negatif. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan analisis pada interaksi warganet di YouTube, Instagram dan Twitter secara keseluruhan mayoritas warganet menunjukan penolakan pada perbedaan representasi Ariel di film The Little Mermaid. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) </em><em>terdapat perbedaan representasi Ariel antara film The Little Mermaid versi live action dengan versi orisinal atau kartun yang terlihat dari ciri fisik yaitu perbedaan warna kulit, warna dan tekstur rambut, warna mata, hingga perbedaan ras</em><em> (2) warganet</em><em> memberikan reaksi berupa like, dislike, share dan comment. Reaksi warganet mengandung makna negatif, positif, kritik dan sarkastik. Akan tetapi, mayoritas dari reaksi warganet bermakna negatif (3) citra yang berlaku untuk Disney dan film The Little Mermaid versi live action (2023) bersifat negatif (4) warganet pada setiap media sosial memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dalam berkomentar.</em></p> Ariel Marcelino Dorien Kartikawangi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 24 38 10.25170/kolita.21.4830 KATA ARKAIS DAN HILANGNYA IDENTITAS BUDAYA KURAI <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan identifikasi kata arkais dalam bahasa Kurai Bukittinggi melalui pemeriksaan kosa kata dari “Kamus Bahasa Kurai” terhadap penutur Bahasa Kurai Bukittinggi tahun 2023. Informan penelitian adalah anggota masyarakat lintas generasi yang berdomisili di Kota Bukittinggi dan sekitarnya, dan anggota masyarakat perantauan yang berasal dari Bukittinggi dan sekitarnya, mahasiswa dan keluarga asal Kurai yang berdomisili di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Pengumpulan data melalui korespondensi (chatting), penggunaan google form, wawancara, dan focus group discussion. </em><em>Ditemukan penurunan pengetahuan informan dan penurunan drastis penggunaan kosa kata Bahasa Kurai dalam pembicaraan sehari-hari. Penurunan itu ditemukan pada tiga generasi: generasi kelahiran 1950-an, Generasi X dan Generasi Z, masyarakat asli Bukittinggi, meskipun mereka masih menggunakan Bahasa Minangkabau sebagai bahasa pertama (bahasa Ibu dan bahasa sehari-hari). </em><em>Penurunan pengetahuan dan penggunaan Bahasa Kurai secara signifikan memperlihatkan bahwa bahasa tersebut sudah sampai pada titik kepunahan. Hal ini berarti hilangnya satu bagian identitas budaya Kurai. <br></em></p> Arwemi Arwemi Gina Havieza Elmizan Sheiful Yazan Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 39 44 10.25170/kolita.21.4831 CYBERPRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL HUMOR IN WHATSAPP STICKERS <p><em>With the growth of digital environment, social interaction between people, particularly university students, is also affected. Communication has become multimodal, meaning people not only send textual messages but also visuals such as videos, memes, stickers, or emojis. These multimodal communication forms are facilitated by digital communication platforms such as WhatsApp and Line. The use of stickers, specifically in WhatsApp, could suggest certain implicatures which are covered in humorous way. The present research aims to describe how the text and the image of WhatsApp stickers create humorous intention and to find out the implicit functions of digital humour of WhatsApp stickers in daily interaction. The data for this study were collected from university students’ communications in their WA, in which 20 students were requested to submit 5 samples of stickers used in actual interactions. As a result, 100 stickers were gathered as the data. The collected data were analysed qualitatively using the theories of digital humour and cyberpragmatic approach. Cyberpragmatic is basically the use of pragmatic concepts in analysing digital data. &nbsp;The results show that WhatsApp stickers were used by the students to convey the feeling of sadness, anger, tiredness, concern, and eagerness, which were represented by the text and image of the stickers. For example, when a student complains about the number of assignments, he sent a sticker showing an ads for headache, where the brand name was changed into “Oh tugas” (oh assignment). The interrelatedness between the text and the image in this sticker can convey the pragmatic implicature in humorous way. Thus, the findings of this study implied that stickers could become an effective way to communicate the intended message of the speakers. Stickers can also be an alternative way of communicating in digital environments beside using other forms of multimodal communication forms such as texts, GIF, meme, and emoji</em>.</p> Clara Herlina Karjo Akbar Satyono Rahmadhito Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 45 54 10.25170/kolita.21.4834 ASSERTIVE SPEECH ACT OF POLICE INVESTIGATOR’S IN INTERVIEWING THE WITNESS-VICTIM OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE <p><em>The issue of proving cases of Sexual Violence Crime (SVC), also known as Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual (TPKS), remains a challenging endeavor. Police investigators must employ a range of tactics in order to uncover the truth around a case of sexual violence. The objective of this study is to examine speech act tactics, specifically aggressive speech acts employed by police investigators during the process of interviewing a witness who has experienced sexual violence. The same interview was investigated in separate studies undertaken by Read et al. (2009), Westera et al. (2011), and Westera and Kebbel (2014). Nevertheless, prior scholarly investigations have mostly concentrated on the dynamics between law enforcement agents and those accused of sexual violence crimes. The present study constitutes an investigation in the field of forensic linguistics, with a specific emphasis on the examination of language usage within the context of legal procedures. The chosen methodology for this study is qualitative research. This study endeavors to analyze, investigate, and examine forceful statements made by law enforcement officers. The research data was collected through the observation of the interview procedure conducted by the Kepolisian Resor Kota (Polresta) Cilacap investigators with a witness who had experienced sexual violence. The acquired data was subsequently subjected to analysis utilizing Searle's (1979) theory of speech acts, with a particular focus on aggressive speech acts. The findings indicate that the police investigators employed aggressive speech patterns as a means to reinforce the information provided by the victim-witness. The reaffirmation is frequently conveyed by the use of a rhetorical tag, commonly referred to as "ya," appended to the end of the speech. Nevertheless, the assertive statement articulated by investigator H also exhibits elements of surprise, guides cognitive processes, and offers advice or suggestions. </em></p> Dhion Meitreya Vidhiasi Aceng Ruhendi Syaifullah R. Dian Dia-an Muniroh Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 55 61 10.25170/kolita.21.4835 A TEACHER’S REFLECTION ON INTRODUCING A REFLECTIVE PRACTICE IN THE PRO-SKILLS CLASS <p><em>This paper aims to present how Reflective Practice (RP) is promoted through the Professional Skills (Pro-skills) Class and describe the transformation of English learners into reflective practitioners. Pro-skills class is a tailored business English class program offered by Wallstreet English (WSE) to its students, especially corporate students, to master some professional set skills in English. The intention for this reflective paper was simply to see if it was possible to enhance corporate students' self-reflection and convince them that the lessons were essential for their personal and professional development. As a result, they needed to pay closer attention to the class material because my practical experience teaching corporate students revealed that the majority of them attended the class simply because their superiors told them to, and they tended to take all of the lessons for granted. With this in mind, I began this reflective research by introducing the participants to the concept of reflective practice from Jasper (2013), where she introduced the reflection model theory of ERA (Experience, Reflection, Action), which involves a careful distinction between theory and practice in the context of the lessons they have learned in the class. Three questions were formulated to ask the students in a five-minute reflection session before ending each class in the form of a discussion, and the session was promoted for five consecutive weeks. So this paper is fundamentally a teacher’s reflection based on the student’s reflection. The findings indicate that the RP benefits the participants more than just bringing the difference between the theory and the practice in the pro-skills class; </em><em>In accordance with Philip's (2006) concept, the RP encourages all students to participate in the session, not just the top performers, and it promotes 'peer-tutoring' in some way. The RP also successfully becomes the media for the students to interact, allowing them to be aware of their reflective ability as well as the process that is being followed; this is critical if they are to transfer this skill. By reflecting academically and on job satisfaction in a subject-specific manner, students can gain insight from their mistakes and improve their future learning through RP. Reflection, in other words, includes not only skill development but also subject comprehension and knowledge acquisition. Students can also begin to notice common errors they make and see how far they have progressed. </em><em>To conclude, RP offers multiple benefits to the students who took part in the research as respondents. </em></p> Duma Yosephina Saragih Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 62 72 10.25170/kolita.21.4836 KAJIAN LANSKAP LINGUISTIK PAPAN PENANDA TEBET ECOPARK <p><em>Tebet Ecopark adalah taman yang diresmikan oleh Gubernur DKI Jakarta pada tahun 2022 dan dikelola oleh Suku Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Dari kedudukan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa untuk pembangunan nasional dan pendidikan, sudah sepatutnya dalam pembangunan taman menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan membahas bagaimana penggunaan bahasa untuk papan penanda yang ada di Tebet Ecopark dilihat dari sudut pandang informasi yang tersaji dan makna simbolik di dalamnya. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan lanskap linguistik menggunakan teori Spolsky dan Coper (1997) dan Landry dan Bourhis (1991). Hasil penelitiannya adalah dilihat dari jumlah bahasa yang digunakan, papan peresmian adalah satu-satunya papan penanda yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Untuk papan penanda jalan dan wahana, digunakan pula dua bahasa model komplementasi, yaitu dua jenis kalimat berbeda dan saling melengkapi. Penamaan area taman menggunakan bahasa Inggris sementara papan aturan di area menggunakan berbahasa Indonesia dengan munculnya beberapa kata bahasa Inggris. Akan tetapi, untuk papan tanda kewaspadaan, pembuat papan tanda menggunakan bahasa Indonesia secara dominan dan hanya ada satu kata berbahasa Inggris yaitu orange. Dari aspek jumlah bahasa dan bilingualitas yang muncul di setiap papan penanda, dapat dilihat makna simbolik. Peminggiran bahasa terjadi di dalam papan penanda peraturan dan petunjuk jalan. Penggunaan istilah bahasa Inggris pada nama jalan juga termasuk peminggiran bahasa Indonesia. Makna simbolik dari papan peresmian dan papan penanda kewaspadaan lebih menekankan pentingnya bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa nasional. Seharusnya, pembuat bahasa papan penanda ini menyadari bahwa bahasa Indonesia sangat penting seperti dalam keadaan darurat dan papan peresmian agar para pengunjung paham apa yang harus dilakukan dalam kondisi darurat. &nbsp;Papan penanda lainnya pun harus berfokus kepada penggunaan bahasa Indonesia. Barulah ketika Bahasa Indonesia sudah dominan di setiap papan penanda, bahasa lain diperbolehkan sebagai bahasa kedua dengan ukuran yang lebih kecil tetapi dengan model duplikasi, mengulang maksud yang sama agar tidak terjadi peminggiran bahasa Indonesia.</em></p> Edy Nugraha Wini Tarmini Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 73 83 10.25170/kolita.21.4837 KORESPONDENSI BUNYI BAHASA-BAHASA DAERAH DI KABUPATEN SERAM BAGIAN TIMUR <p><em>Provinsi Maluku merupakan wilayah yang memilki jumlah bahasa daerah yang terbesar ketiga di Indonesia. Data Badan bahasa yang dipublikasikan&nbsp; tahun&nbsp; 2019 mengidinttifikasi&nbsp; jumlah bahasa daerah di Indonesia sebanyak 716. Bahasa-bahasa daerah tersebut tersebar di seluruh kepulauan Maluku. Dengan jumlah yang banyak itu, tentu saja dipastikan bahwa antara bahasa yang satu dengan bahasa yang lain memilki hubungan kekerabatan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh karena selain berdekatan secara geografis juga diyakini bahwa penutur bahasa tersebut berasal dari rumpun/etnis yang sama, terutama di Pulau Seram. Beberapa kajian sebelumnya terutama kajian sastra lisan tuturan menyebutkan bahawa oarang-orang atau masyarakat yang mendiami Pulau Seram merupakan subkelompok etnis yang sama yaitu etnis Nunusaku. Salah satu wilayah yang diperkirakan memilki kekerabatan bahasa&nbsp; adalah bahasa-bahasa daerah yang dituturkan oleh masyarakat yang ada di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur. Penelitian</em> <em>ini</em> <em>akan</em> <em>menguraikan</em> <em>korespondensi</em> <em>bunyi</em> <em>dalam</em> <em>bahasa-bahasa</em> <em>daerah</em> <em>di</em> <em>Kabupaten Seram Bagian, Timur, Provinsi Maluku. </em><em>&nbsp;Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dialektologi yang bertujuan untuk membuat gambaran bentuk serta kecenderungan korespondensi bunyi dan membuat deskripsi perbedaan dialektal atau subdialektal pada tataran fonologi kosakata bahasa-bahasa daerah di Provinsi Maluku. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori korespondensi bunyi dengan pendekatan yang kuantitatif, sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Berdasarkan analisis, terdapat beberapa pasangan fonem yang memiliki &nbsp;potensi sebagai korespondensi bunyi, /e/~/a/,/ϴ/~/a/,&nbsp; /y/~/t/,&nbsp; &nbsp;/i/~/h/~/o/, /y/~/ϴ/, /k/~/g/, /ϴ/~/s/,/u/~/a/,/y/~/n/, /b/–/p/, /ϴ/–/h/,/h/~/f/, /n/~/m/, /ϴ/~/e/, /ϴ/~/ˀ/, /w/~/b/~/h/, dan /ϴ/~/i/~/u/.dan beberapa&nbsp;&nbsp; di antaranya dapat dipastikan sebagai memilki &nbsp;bentuk korespondensi bunyi karena muncul berulang dan secara teratur pada bahasa-bahasa tersebut. Fonem-fonem yang muncul secara teratur dan berulang tersebut terdapat garis yang menghungkan fonem di dalam peta korespondensi bunyi. Akan tetapi, tidak semua pasangan fonem tersebut memiliki kedekatan dalam hal kesamaan artikulator, daerah artikulasi, ataupun posisi glotis. Beberapa pasangan hanya memiliki perbedaan dalam salah satu faktor, seperti sama artikulator dan daerah artikulasi beda posisi glotis, atau sebaliknya. Penelitian ini menjadi juga diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi pengembangan kebahasaan di Provinsi Maluku, terutama di lingkungan peneliti, akademisi, dan pemerhati bahasa.</em></p> Erniati Erniati Dendi Wijaya Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 84 88 10.25170/kolita.21.4838 PERPISAHAN PARASOSIAL PENGGEMAR PASCA KEMATIAN IDOL SULLI <p><em>Studi ini menganalisis proses perpisahan parasosial dari penggemar idol Korea, Sulli yang melakukan bunuh diri pada 14 Oktober 2019 silam. Kematian Sulli mengejutkan tidak hanya keluarga dan orang terdekat, tetapi juga para penggemarnya yang mengira Sulli telah pulih dari sakit yang mempengaruhi mentalnya akibat perundungan di media sosial. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis tematik, sebanyak 270 unggahan (pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2019) ungkapan kesedihan, belasungkawa, dan ucapan perpisahan dalam bahasa Korea pada unggahan foto terakhir akun Instagram Sulli diklasifikasikan menurut model tahapan ekspresi kesedihan dari </em><em>Elisabeth Kübler-Ross dan David Kessler</em><em>. Model tahapan ekspresi kesedihan mengklasifikasikan pesan penggemar menjadi kelompok pesan yang mengandung </em><em>penyangkalan, kemarahan, negosiasi, depresi dan penerimaan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan ekspresi kesedihan model Elisabeth Kübler-Ross dan David Kessler nampak dalam unggahan komentar penggemar. Secara bertahap ekspresi kesedihan itu dimulai dengan unggahan komentar tidak percaya akan berita kematian Sulli. Tahapan kemarahan nampak pada unggahan penggemar yang menyalahkan diri sendiri karena merasa gagal melindungi idolanya. Mereka juga menunjukkan kemarahannya pada para perundung Sulli. Ekspresi negosiasi dan depresi cenderung muncul bergantian dan menunjukkan belum siap merelakan Sulli pergi walaupun mereka sadar Sulli sudah tiada. Ekspresi penerimaan ditunjukkan dengan ungkapan kerelaan dan komentar yang meyakini adanya kehidupan setelah kematian. Analisis ekspresi kesedihan penggemar menunjukkan bahwa walapun hubungan Sulli dan penggemarnya merupakan hubungan parasosial (bersifat virtual), namun kesedihan mereka nyata. Penggemar juga memaknai hubungan parasosial dengan Sulli tidak terbatas sebagai hubungan antara idol dan penggemar, tetapi juga memaknainya sebagai hubungan antara anggota keluarga. Rasa ikatan kekeluargaan ini terlihat pada unggahan komentar penggemar yang merasa patut disalahkan atas kematian Sulli, karena tidak peka dengan kemungkinan terburuk yang akan menimpa Sulli, seperti bunuh diri. Insting kepekaan ini adalah sesuatu yang biasanya dimiliki oleh orang terdekat, seperti anggota keluarga. Penelitian ini menegaskan peran media sosial dalam proses perpisahan parasosial, yang memberikan solusi atas keterbatasan ruang dan waktu sehingga penggemar dapat meluapkan kesedihannya tanpa batas. Media sosial tidak hanya memberikan ruang untuk berkabung, tetapi juga menciptakan komunitas bagi para penggemar ini sehingga kesedihan parasosial mereka tervalidasi karena ada orang lain yang juga bersedih atas kematian Sulli. </em></p> Fadhila Hasby Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 89 98 10.25170/kolita.21.4839 ALTERNATIONS OF INDONESIAN SOUNDS IN SAMBAS MALAY <p><em>Indonesian is derived from Standard Malay, while Sambas Malay (SM), a language-code spoken by indigenous people mostly living in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan, becomes one of Malay dialects; and SIL (2006) also explains it becomes one of standard variations of Malay. Therefore, the two language codes are assumed to be derived from the same ancestral language, i.e., Proto-Austronesian language. Consequently, Indonesian and SM share sameness which is shown by identical cognates of the two language codes. There are other cognates which show sound alternations. The sound alternations comprise changes, additions, deletions, and syllabic movements of segments and sound clusters. The data corpora are the phonological forms of the cognates of Indonesian and SM. The phonological forms of SM cognates are obtained from and/or based on a previous study on phonological aspects of SM lexical items conducted by Firman et al. (1998). Meanwhile, Indonesian cognates are Indonesian lexical items which are available in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (the Main Dictionary of Indonesian) and become the equivalents for SM lexical items afore-mentioned; and the phonological forms of Indonesian cognates are determined by referring to the rules of grapheme-phoneme correspondences in Indonesian proposed by Fauzi (2015). Sound alternations show morphophonemic alternations like consonant weakening, consonant strengthening, lenition, fortition, nasalization, de-nasalization, glottalization, de-glottalization, vowel laxing, vowel tensing, diphthongization, sound deletion, sound addition, gemination or consonant doubling, sound fusion, sound fission, metatheses, assimilation, dissimilation, word lengthening, word shortening, and de-reduplication. Certain findings show certain phonotactics in SM. The result of the discussion also shows the distribution of segments in both of two language codes.</em></p> Fauzi Syamsuar Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 99 113 10.25170/kolita.21.4840 MAKNA DENOTASI DAN KONOTASI DALAM LIRIK LAGU ANAK-ANAK <p><em>Lagu anak-anak adalah lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh anak, diciptakan untuk anak-anak, menggambarkan lingkungan dan dunia anak-anak. Kebanyakan lagu anak-anak diciptakan oleh orang dewasa secara sengaja untuk menggambarkan dan mewakili dunia anak-anak. Pada lagu anak-anak dijumpai cirikhas </em><em>pada diksi.</em> <em>D</em><em>iksi digunakan oleh pencipta lagu anak untuk memperoleh makna tertentu sehingga diksi tidak hanya sebatas pilihan kata saja akan tetapi juga digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu cerita dan bahkan memberikan makna melalui ungkapan dan gaya bahasa. Diksi merupakan pilihan kata yang berkenaan dengan pemilihan dan pilihan kata. Kosakata anak dan pilihan kata anak menjadi hal yang menarik ketika dikaitkan dengan diksi dalam lagu anak-anak. Anak diharapkan mendapat kosakata yang sesuai dengan perkembangannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk </em><em>mendeskripsikan</em><em> diksi lagu anak-anak dikaitkan dengan </em><em>makna denotasi dan konotasi</em><em>. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan fokus </em><em>(</em><em>pada diksi</em><em>)</em><em> lagu anak-anak yang sudah dikenal</em><em>,</em><em> terutama </em><em>lagu anak-anak </em><em>karangan A.T. Mahmud</em><em> yang berjudul </em><em>Pelangi, Ambilkan Bulan Bu, Bintang Kejora, Cicak di Dinding, Amelia, Kereta Apiku, Paman Datang, Cemara, Awan Putih, dan <strong>Bulan Sabit</strong>.&nbsp;Diksi yang&nbsp; </em><em>diteliti</em><em> terkait dengan diksi berdasarkan makna</em><em>,</em> <em>baik</em><em> makna denota</em><em>tif</em><em> dan makna konota</em><em>tif</em> <em>maupun makna leksikal </em><em>dalam lagu anak-anak.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>Telaah ini</em><em> j</em><em>uga</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>menelusuri</em><em> fungsi diksi dalam lagu-lagu anak untuk memperindah kalimat dalam lagu anak-anak.&nbsp;&nbsp;Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa </em><em>ketepatan </em><em>diksi dalam lagu anak</em><em>-anak merupakan</em><em> bentuk ekspresi yang hadir dalam gagasan pencipta lagu anak yang dituangkan dalam kata-kata dalam lirik lagu anak. </em><em>Lagu anak dapat diberikan kepada anak usia sekolah dasar. </em><em>Penggunaan diksi yang selaras dan tepat dapat membantu anak membangun imajinasi kreativitas </em><em>k</em><em>etika mendengar dan </em><em>mendendangkan</em><em> kata-kata tersebut. Ekspresi juga ditengarai merujuk pada </em><em>kesesuaian</em><em> yang memperlihatkan perasaan yang dapat ditunjukkan melalui pemilihan kata-kata yang tepat. Pemilihan diksi yang tepat dapat memberikan pengetahuan baru dan perspektif baru&nbsp; dalam penciptaan lagu anak</em><em>-anak,</em><em> terutama untuk generasi masa milenial saat ini dengan memperhatikan aspek seni dalam keselarasan bunyi dan aspek bahasa dalam keselarasan makna.</em></p> Fortunata Tyasrinestu Tri Mastoyo Jati Kesuma Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 114 118 10.25170/kolita.21.4841 REPRESENTASI KEKUASAAN MEGAWATI SOEKARNOPUTRI DALAM PIDATO POLITIK PERINGATAN HUT KE-50 PDI-P <p><em>Keberadaan partai politik (parpol) di Indonesia memegang peranan penting dalam mekanisme berjalannya sistem demokrasi. Salah satu parpol yang berpengaruh dalam tata kelola pemerintahan Indonesia adalah Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P) yang dipimpin oleh Megawati Soekarnoputri. Megawati Soekarnoputri merupakan figur politisi yang memiliki pengaruh besar dalam kancah politik nasional. Ia menjadi Ketua Umum PDI-P sejak tahun 1999 hingga sekarang. Setiap kali kongres digelar, Mantan Presiden ke-5 Republik Indonesia tersebut selalu terpilih menjadi ketua umum partai. Sebagai ketua umum PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri kerap menyampaikan gagasan politiknya kepada anggota partai dan khalayak ramai, salah satunya adalah melalui pidato politik. Pidato politik menjadi variabel penting dalam kelembagaan parpol, selain pengaruh dinamika internal. Dalam hal ini, pidato politik dapat menentukan citra atau penjenamaan parpol yang akan berpengaruh positif pada penguatan basis konstituen dan penerimaan masyarakat atau pemilih. Apabila diamati dari sudut pandang kebahasaan dan politik, pidato politik yang disampaikan oleh Megawati Soekarnoputri merepresentasikan kekuasaan dan ideologi tertentu. Bahasa yang membangun wacana pidato politik menjadi sebuah alat untuk melegitimasi kekuasaannya sebagai pemimpin kuat PDI-P. Potensi bahasa dan simbol kekuasaan seolah telah dipahami dan digunakan untuk mempertahankan kekuasaannya tersebut. Kekuasaan dan pengaruh kuat Megawati Soekarnoputri saat ini dapat diamati melalui pidato politik yang disampaikan pada peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-50 PDI-P.&nbsp; Pidato politik Megawati tersebut mempunyai dampak yang signifikan bagi PDP-P karena disampaikan menjelang tahun politik 2024. Dalam pidato politiknya, Megawati Soekarnoputri selaku ketua umum partai disebut memiliki hak prerogatif untuk menentukan calon presiden yang akan diusung oleh PDI-P pada Pemilihan Umum Republik Indonesia Tahun 2024. Berdasarkan atas hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pidato politik Megawati Soekarno Putri dalam peringatan HUT ke-50 PDI-P di Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat pada Selasa, 10 Januari 2023 dengan kerangka analisis wacana kritis Fairclough. Analisis tersebut akan menggambarkan koneksi tersembunyi antara bahasa, kekuasaan, dan ideologi. Tahapan analisis terdiri atas deskripsi, interpretasi, dan eksplanasi. Tahap deskriptif analisis meliputi identifikasi dan deskripsi unsur-unsur tertentu dari kosakata, tata bahasa, dan struktur teks yang berfungsi secara ideologis dalam wacana. Adapun tahap interpretasi berfokus pada proses pemroduksian teks. Misalnya, bagaimana teks diproduksi oleh pemimpin politik yang berinteraksi dengan rakyatnya. Sementara itu, tahapan eksplanasi berkaitan dengan bagaimana wacana dilihat dari tingkat kelembagaan (pemerintah) dan masyarakat yang biasanya berkaitan dengan partai politik dan kekuasaan pemerintah, pemimpin dan publik, dan sebagainya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap pidato tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Megawati Soekarnoputri membangun dan merepresentasikan kekuasaannya salah satunya melalui struktur teks yang berupa kosakata, tata bahasa, dan struktur teks. Melalui wacana yang dibangun dalam pidatonya, Megawati menyampaikan keberadaannya yang sangat penting dalam dinamika PDI-P dan pemerintah. Selain itu, “kekuatan” Megawati Soekarno Putri sebagai pimpinan partai politik juga diwujudkan melalui pronomina, bentuk kalimat, dan koherensi.&nbsp;</em></p> Frista Nanda Pratiwi Anis Rahmawati Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 119 131 10.25170/kolita.21.4842 PILIHAN BAHASA ANTAR PENUTUR BAHASA JAWA BERBEDA DIALEK : STUDI KASUS MAHASISWA MAGISTER LINGUISTIK UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA ANGKATAN 2022 <p><em>Bahasa memegang peran penting di dalam segala aspek pada kehidupan sehari-hari manusia. Salah satu peran penting bahasa, yaitu digunakan sebagai alat atau media interaksi antara penutur dengan lawan atau mitra tutur. Tanpa bahasa yang dapat digunakan sebagai media, maka tidak akan pernah terjadi komunikasi secara verbal. Suatu peristiwa bahasa dapat terjadi pada situasi tutur dengan melibatkan peserta tutur yang menggunakan bahasa yang sama atau melibatkan antar peserta tutur yang merupakan penutur dwibahasa. Dalam lingkungan tutur yang melibatkan penutur dwibahasa, selalu terjadi fenomena pemilihan bahasa untuk dapat saling menyepakati bahasa yang digunakan dalam komunikasi. Terkait hal tersebut, tidak menutup kemungkinan pemilihan bahasa juga terjadi antar penutur bahasa yang sama dengan dialek yang berbeda, dalam hal ini adalah bahasa Jawa. Bahasa Jawa menjadi bahasa ibu bagi masyarakat suku Jawa. Beragam dialek dari bahasa Jawa muncul berdasarkan kondisi lingkungan atau letak geografisnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan : 1) strategi pemilihan bahasa pada komunikasi antar penutur aktif bahasa Jawa yang berbeda dialek, 2) alasan penutur menggunakan strategi pemilihan bahasa tersebut, dan 3) dialek bahasa Jawa yang dianggap mudah dan tidak mudah oleh penutur untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Jawa dan kedekatan geografisnya dengan dialek penutur. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus mahasiswa Magister Linguistik Universitas Gadjah Mada angkatan 2022 yang merupakan penutur aktif bahasa Jawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif campuran untuk memaparkan strategi pemilihan bahasa responden saat berkomunikasi dengan penutur berbeda dialek dan dialek bahasa Jawa yang dianggap mudah dan tidak mudah oleh responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik kuesioner beserta teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria tertentu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seorang penutur suatu dialek ketika terlibat peristiwa tutur dengan lawan tutur berbeda dialek akan menyesuaikan dengan cara campur kode untuk mendapatkan satu kesepahaman. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan responden yang cenderung menggunakan strategi pemilihan bahasa berupa campur kode bahasa Jawa dan bahasa Indonesia, yaitu sebanyak 75% dari jumlah keseluruhan responden. Namun, peristiwa campur kode tidak mempengaruhi penggunaan dialek asli penutur pada situasi tutur selain yang terjadi pada saat itu. Adapun untuk dialek yang paling banyak dianggap mudah untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Jawa adalah dialek Surabaya, sedangkan dialek yang paling banyak dianggap tidak mudah adalah dialek Ngapak.</em></p> Gilang Tegar Prasetyo Siti Sulistiyarini Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 132 140 10.25170/kolita.21.4843 EVALUATING THE TRANSLATION QUALITY OF CHILDREN'S LITERATURE IN THE LET’S READ MOBILE APPLICATION USING ANGELELLI'S SCORING RUBRIC TO ASSESS SOURCE TEXT MEANING ACCURACY <p><em>This study aims to comprehensively evaluate the translation quality of a children's story, "Dive", featured in the Let's Read mobile application. Utilizing Angelelli's scoring rubric, the research focuses on assessing the accuracy of source text meaning in the translated children's literature, examining elements such as fluency, readability, cultural adaptation, and style. By conducting an in-depth analysis of the Indonesian translation of "Dive," the study uncovers the strengths and weaknesses of the translation process, as well as any challenges encountered in adapting the text for a young Indonesian audience. The research methodology involves selecting the story "Dive" and its Indonesian translation, "Menyelam," from the Let's Read mobile application, and assessing the translation using Angelelli's scoring rubric, which ranges from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). The findings from this study contribute significantly to the ongoing discourse on translation quality assessment, particularly in the context of children's literature. The results offer valuable insights for improving the translation process and enhancing the reading experience for young audiences accessing the Let's Read mobile application. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of accurately conveying the source text meaning to maintain the educational and entertainment value of translated children's literature, while also emphasizing the need for cultural sensitivity and adaptation in order to create an engaging and relatable reading experience for children from diverse backgrounds.</em></p> Harris Hermansyah Setiajid Natalia Krisnarani Diksita Galuh Nirwinastu Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 141 149 10.25170/kolita.21.4844 PANDANGAN HUKUM DAN HAM JOKO WIDODO DAN PRABOWO SUBIANTO PADA DEBAT CAPRES PERTAMA 2019: SEBUAH ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS NORMAN FAIRCLOUGH <p><em>The debate between presidential and vice presidential candidates is a moment that the public has been waiting for to find out which candidate they will choose. From this debate, the public can determine their choice to become president and vice president. Therefore, in this research, the author chose the presidential and vice presidential candidate debates as the research object seen from the perspective of critical discourse analysis. This research is entitled "Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto's Legal and Human Rights Views on the 2019 First Presidential Candidate Debate: An Analysis of Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse". This research aims to determine the linguistic aspects used by Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto in representing their views on law and human rights, forms of discourse practice, and the social or cultural traditions behind the emergence of this discourse. This research uses Norman Fairclough's analytical theory to look at ongoing social and cultural practices through text dimensions, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice to see the original reality that makes the discourse appear. To find out these three things, four stages were used, namely (1) using debate transcripts software Express Scribe; (2) linguistic analysis of the debate text; (3) discourse analysis of the debate text; (4) relating the social and cultural context to the debate text. Meanwhile, the method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method, namely a method that aims to provide a systematic description of the data, characteristics, and relationships of the phenomena to be studied. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that Jokowi views law and human rights as a unity. procedures that all have mechanisms so that when there are human rights violations they can be dealt with according to legal procedures. Meanwhile, Prabowo views law and human rights as regulations that can be controlled by the President as the highest head of government. These views are supported by their background and the work program presented. Apart from that, due to the social context built into the debate, they tried to attack each other with various case examples to defend their opinions and attract the hearts of the public.</em></p> Ilham Saiful Mubin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 150 155 10.25170/kolita.21.4845 PEMANFAATAN KOMIK PENDIDIKAN DALAM PENGAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA <p><em>Topik penelitian dalam artikel ini berjudul Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran Komik Digital dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) untuk menyusun prosedur pembuatan komik pendidikan dalam pengajaran bahasa Indonesia; dan (2) untuk mengetahui kelayakan pemanfaatan media komik pendidikan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Reasearch and Devlopment (R&amp;D) dengan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni model Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, dan Evaluate(ADDIE) atau dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut dengan model analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Secara ringkas, penerapan model ADDIE dalam metode penelitian ini yakni: (1) Tahapan kegiatan analyze (analisis) dilakukan dengan menyusun konsep untuk mengidentifikasi masalah dan solusi dalam pengejaran bahasa Indonesia; (2) Tahap kegiatan design (desain) dilakukan dengan menuliskan ide media pembelajaran komik pendidikan ke dalam rumusan produk yang jelas yakni deskripsi umum dan khusus produk, diagram alur, dan story board; (3) Tahapan kegiatan develop (pengembangan) yakni membuat produk media pembelajaran komik pendidikan, lembar penilaian, dan meminta pakar untuk memvalidasi produk; (4) Tahapan kegiatan implement (implementasi) dilakukan dengan cara mempersiapkan tempat penggunaan produk, orang yang terlibat, prosedur penggunaan produk, uji coba dan penilaian produk; dan (5) Tahapan kegiatan evaluate (evaluasi) dilakukan untuk menilai kualitas proses dan produk media pembelajaran komik pendidikan. Hasil uji coba produk dalam penelitian ini berupa komik pendidikan yang dapat dimanfaakan sebagai media pengajaran bahasa Indonesia. Kelayakan media pembelajaran komik pendidikan berdasarkan penilaian dari beberapa validator sebagai berikut (1) uji coba dari ahli media mendapat kriteria layak dengan nilai 80; (2) uji coba dari ahli materi mendapat kriteria layak sebesar dengan nilai 85; dan (3) uji coba dari pendidik/guru dan peserta didik/siswa mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia mendapat kriteria layak dengan nilai 92,5 untuk penilaian peserta didik dan nilai 90 dari pendidik. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemanfaatan komik pendidikan layak memperkaya pedagogik pendidik dalam pengajaran bahasa Indonesia, mengatasi kendala interaksi dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia, dan pendistribusian materi bahasa Indonesia dapat lebih efektif dan variatif.</em></p> Indra Perdana Nirena Ade Christy Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 156 166 10.25170/kolita.21.4846 NARRATIVE TEXTS IN INDONESIAN ELT TEXTBOOKS: A SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES <p><em>This paper aims at examining social functions, schematic structure, transitivity, and modality in narrative texts in an English textbook published by the Indonesian government and used at the tenth grade English classes. Three narrative texts were found in the textbook and selected as samples. Hallidayan concepts of social functions, schematic structure, transitivity and modality were used as theoretical epistemological concepts and his lexico-grammatical analytical framework was used as a methodological procedure of data analysis. Clauses in the three texts (i.e., Issumboshi, The Legend of Malin Kundang, and Strong Wind) were coded by numbering them and analyzed in a series of systemic functional linguistic analyses: Theme-Rheme, process-type analysis, mood-residue analysis, and functional analysis. The texts display this schematic pattern: orientation^evaluation^compilcation^resolution. The absence of reorientation within the generic structure implies the written nature of the texts. The study also presents linguistic patterns in transitivity where particular process types were used in each schematic structure. The study also proves that, although narrated in written modes and declarative clauses were dominantly exploited, the time of event and the judgment of the narrating writers were static where temporal settings of the events were always in the past and the narrators’ judgment of them remained high. These types of time and judgment enabled the narrators to convey socialization, education and entertainment functions of narrative texts and narration practices. Additionally, these analyses could exemplify an education model of systemic functional linguistic analysis and reduce currently common misconceptions in Indonesian ELT textbooks.</em></p> Indriyani Indriyani Kamaludin Yusra Yuni Budi Lestari Mahyuni Mahyuni Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 167 181 10.25170/kolita.21.4847 AUTHENTICITY AND READABILITY OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE TRANSLATING RELIGIOUS TEXTS RELATED TO CHARACTER EDUCATION WRITTEN IN ENGLISH INTO INDONESIAN <p><em>Character education and information and communications technology (ICT) cannot be separated in discussing the Indonesian students in the post-millennial era. In this research, what is meant by character education is the religious teaching in the Holy Quran, whereas what is meant by ICT is the translation machine named Google Translate. The Holy Quran in this research is one which is translated from Arabic into English by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. The character education of the Holy Quran usually refers to the verses of Al Luqman, and the studies investigating the work of Google Translate usually concern the scientific texts and information or news. Different from the previous studies, this research do not investigate the verses of Al Luqman nor the scientific and informative ones. The aims of this research are to observe the religious texts belonging to the Holy Quran translated into English which contain universal character education and to investigate the authenticity and readability of the work of Google Translate translating such texts. The method employed in conducting this research is Mixed Method proposed by Hesse-Biber. Besides, the triangulation approach proposed by Turner is used. Thus, the researcher not only making use of the official Holy Quran of Ministry of Religious Affairs, but also involving both the lecturers of Islam Religion and of Bahasa Indonesia. This research found that the character education which is universal in nature could be read in the Holy Quran not only in Sura Al Luqman but also in Sura Al Furqon verses 63-77. Qualitatively the Google Translate work translating Sura Al Furqon verses 63-77 underwent the meaning distortion due to the Indonesian sentences whose both cohesion and coherence were violated. Meanwhile, quantitatively, it was found that 40% of the verses examined could be categorized unreadable or incomprehensible and that 60% of the verses examined could be categorized as undergoing the meaning distortion. </em></p> Junaedi Setiyono Bagiya Bagiya Nasrudin Nasrudin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 182 193 10.25170/kolita.21.4848 MASALAH PENERJEMAHAN KATA-KATA TERKAIT PERASAAN DALAM BAHASA JERMAN KE DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA <p><em>Dalam proses penerjemahan biasanya kita mengalami kesulitan menemukan padanan kata yang tepat dan akurat bahkan kita terkadang dapat kehilangan kata-kata, terutama ketika kita mencari padanan kata yang merupakan ungkapan perasaan yang memang padanannya sama sekali tidak tersedia dalam bahasa sasaran. Kata-kata yang menyangkut perasaan atau emosi tidak hanya berkaitan dengan psikologi emosi, tetapi berkaitan juga dengan pemrosesan kata-kata tersebut secara linguistik. A</em><em>da pendekatan psikologis yang berbeda untuk menjelaskan emosi dan perasaan</em><em> yang bersifat subjektif</em><em>,</em><em> karena menyangkut pengalaman pribadi, dan </em><em>ada berbagai teori linguistik untuk mendefinisikan konten semantik dari kata-kata emosi secara umum.</em> <em>Dalam makalah ini diteliti berbagai macam permasalahan yang muncul dalam penerjemahan kata-kata ungkapan perasaan atau emosi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dan kontrastif dengan membandingkan kata-kata yang diteliti dalam teks sumber (bahasa Jerman) dan teks sasaran (bahasa Indonesia) berdasarkan teori kesepadanan dari Nida &amp; Taber (1974) dan metode dan strategi atau prosedur penerjemahan dari Newmark (1988) dengan tujuan mengetahui bagaimana penerjemah memecahkan masalah dan metode dan strategi apa saja yang digunakan dalam proses penerjemahannya. Korpus data penelitian adalah kata-kata menyangkut perasaan dalam novel Ungeduld des Herzens karya pengarang Austria Stefan Zweig yang diterjemahkan oleh Tiya Hapitiyawati ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan judul ‘Kalut’ yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2020. </em><em>Dari hasil penelitian novel terjemahan berjumlah 518 halaman tersebut </em><em>ditemukan sebanyak 123 kata-kata/ungkapan terkait perasaan yang bersifat positif, 116 yang bersifat negatif, dan 18 yang bersifat netral. Kata-kata tersebut disusun secara alfabetis dan dikategorikan ke dalam kategori berdasarkan emosi Freude (kegembiraan), Trauer (kesedihan), Ärger (kemarahan), dan Angst (ketakutan). Ada yang diterjemahkan secara harfiah, </em><em>melalui transposisi, penambahan, pemadanan berkonteks dan secara deskriptif. Freude diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan berbagai padanan: </em><em>keriangan, kegembiraan, merasa gembira, bangga, merasa senang, terdengar nada bahagia, keceriaan, merasakan keceriaan, bahagia, gembira,&nbsp; kebahagiaan, dan kepuasan. Ärger diterjemahkan menjadi kejengkelan, kemarahan, kekesalan, membuat kesal, rasa jengkel</em><em>. </em><em>Trauer </em><em>di</em><em>terjemahkan dengan </em><em>kata atau ungkapan nada </em><em>kesedihan, tangisan abadi, dukacita mendalam</em><em>. </em><em>Angst </em><em>d</em><em>iterjemahkan</em><em> dengan</em><em> ketakutan, rasa takut, </em><em>ketegangan, </em><em>takut, pikir, kekhawatiran, khawatir, perasaan takut, cemas, </em><em>kecemasan, </em><em>mengerikan</em><em>, dan ada pula yang tidak dapat diterjemahkan. Kata-kata tersebut </em><em>diterjemahkan dengan berbagai</em><em> metode dan strategi </em><em>atau prosedur </em><em>penerjemahan </em><em>agar </em><em>sepadan dan sesuai dengan </em><em>makna </em><em>semantik</em> <em>definisi dari kata-kata </em><em>tersebut. Perlu penelitian lebih lanjut kata-kata terkait perasaan atau emosi ini, karena masih banyak bentuk turunan dari kata-kata yang berbentuk nomina tersebut yang cukup rumit. </em><em>Dari penelitian ini diharapkan wawasan para penerjemah dan para peminat dalam bidang linguistik dan penerjemahan khususnya lebih luas dan terbuka.</em></p> Leli Dwirika Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 194 200 10.25170/kolita.21.4849 TEACHERS' PERSPECTIVE ON PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILL IN ELT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL <p><em>The development of technology increases from time to time. It also parallels the development of knowledge. Knowledge development leads to several skills that students should master. One of those skills is the ability to solve the problem. Problem-solving skill is an ability that students need and should be implemented to solve problems at school and in everyday life. Problem-solving activities will later make students accustomed to dealing with problems, including getting used to dealing with problems. The school that has a role in preparing students' future should facilitate students to acquire the problem-solving skill. During the teaching-learning process in school, problem-solving skill can be learned through the problem-based learning method. In practice, most English teachers do not implement the problem-based learning method in their classes and prefer to teach with conventional methods. To make meaningful learning, this research has the purpose of exploring teachers' perspectives on problem-based learning to improve students' problem-solving skills. Thus, the research used a qualitative research design with a case study approach to explore teachers' perceptions towards problem-based learning to improve students' problem-solving skill. The interview was held to collect the data with a junior high school teacher as a respondent. The research found that the problem-based learning method can improve students' problem-solving skills during the process of learning. Contextual learning through real problems relating to students' daily life should be implemented in the method. The study also found that the other skill that improves is teamwork and critical thinking skill. In conclusion, the research proves that the problem-based learning method can improve students' problem-solving skill in English language teaching in junior high school. However, there are several recommendations for teachers and future researchers. Teachers should make meaningful learning through this method, and they also should be well-prepared while implementing this method. Future researchers are expected to explore students' perspectives on this method.</em></p> Lenny Kristianti Viera Safira Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 201 207 10.25170/kolita.21.4850 CIGULU-CIGULU (TEKA-TEKI) MASYARAKAT TUTUR BAHASA MELAYU AMBON (KAJIAN ETNOSEMANTIK: SUATU PENDEKATAN AWAL) <p><em>Cigulu-cigulu is a term generally used to refer to a form of oral tradition, namely traditional quwstions or puzzles in the eastern region of Indonesia. In Maluku, cigulu-cigulu is often played in relaxed situations when people gather, for example in masohi (mutual corporation )for build a &nbsp;house or clears the farm, at weddings, or mourning the dead. When someone give questions about cigulu-cigulu, people who listened will be stimulated to think and guess about the answers.This is interesting because the vocabularies is not far from their environment, or reflects the habits and lifestyle of the Maluku people. Cigulu-cigulu always opens with the sentences “Cigulu-cigulu satu!” (one of cigulu-cigulu) and closes with the question “apakah itu?” (what’s it?). Even so, the creativity cigulu-cigulu players in each content through words, phrases, clauses, and even sentences is made so nicely and interesting that is makes the listeners generally feel surprised, weird, or funny when they know the answers. Thus, this research will describe the forms, functions, and aspects of language and culture contained in cigulu-cigulu found in Maluku. The research location is Subdistrict of Taniwel, West Seram Regency, Maluku Province, for the reason that population homogeneity is still high, namely that the majority are indigeneous people. An etnosemantics approach is used in this research, which aims to explore the culture values that reflected in each cigulu-cigulu which belongs to Ambones Malay speaking community. The method used is participatory observation. Observations were made to observe the extent to which cigulu-cigulu is played in every activity of the Ambones Malay speaking community which is carried out together, then how the vocabularies is used in each question of cigulu-cigulu which is usually played in these situations. Unstructure interviews were conducted with several cigulu-cigulu players (questioners and answerers) who met the criterias, to see their understanding of the form, functions, and aspect sof language and culture that reflected in each questions and answers. The results of the research show that the cigulu-cigulu which belongs to Ambones Malay speaking community can be classified into two types, namely contradictory and non contradictory forms. Its functions include testing someone’s intelligence, entertaining, and educating. The linguistic aspects include morphological, syntactic, and semantic aspects. The cultural values behind the use of cigulu-cigulu include community activities or habits, geographical aspects, professions or livelihoods, as well as community harvests.</em></p> Leonora Farilyn Pesiwarissa Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 208 214 10.25170/kolita.21.4851 PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ DIGITAL COMPETENCIES: A TRANSFORMATIVE MEDIUM TOWARD LANGUAGE TEACHING <p><em>Given the subsequent turn of the epidemic in language education field, this study aimed to investigate the perceptions of pre-service teachers in the English Language Education Department of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia toward their own digital competencies within their teaching performance. Regarding the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), pre-service teachers are expected to have sufficient high-level digital competencies. In this context, digital competencies are seen as a means to transform language education in the post-pandemic era. In this study, digital competencies refer to five dimensional skills, namely ‘information and data literacy’, ‘communication and collaboration’, ‘digital content creation’, ‘security’, and ‘problem solving’. Fifty-five (55) pre-service teachers who were still enrolled in some particular ICT courses and who performed online teaching participated in the study by completing the Teacher Competency Framework Questionnaire and doing an interview session to assess their digital competencies in the use of ICT within online teaching context. The results showed that the pre-service teachers placed a high value on all five dimensions of digital competence to facilitate their online teaching through the use of ICT, covering both technological and pedagogical functions, making their online teaching delivered more beneficially and effectively. The more acknowledgements toward the role of their digital competencies and required skills of ICT use for pre-service teachers have been increasing due to the switching from offline to online classroom settings as a consequence of COVID-19 pandemic. However, further research into integrated curriculum planning based on the schoolwide ICT curriculum is recommended to promote constructive strategies to support the development of the pre-service teachers’ digital competencies. The much wider digital competencies scope and more specific pre-service teachers ICT educational programs investigation should be adapted in the future research to provide deeper and further analysis toward the pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy about their own digital competencies in online learning context at the same time.</em></p> Lukas Damianus Fernandez K. M. Widi Hadiyanti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 215 223 10.25170/kolita.21.4852 DEFAMATION OF GOOD REPUTATION SPEECH ACTS IN THE BANGKA BELITUNG ISLANDS LEGAL TERRITORY <p><em>Defamation of good reputation is one of the most common criminal offenses reported to the police. This case continues to increase from year to year. The records of the Indonesian National Police quoted by regarding cases of insult and defamation of good reputation in 2020 were 1,743 cases and based on the Fury report (2021) it increased to 2,207 cases. Likewise, what happened in the Bangka Belitung Islands' jurisdiction. In 2021, there were at least 12 cases of defamation of good reputation reported to the Bangka Belitung Islands Regional Police. In legal construction, it can be said that defamation of good reputation usually contains a choice of swear words to attack a person's dignity, honor, and good name. This study aims to discuss the strategies, types of speech acts, and speech patterns of defamation of good reputation that occur and have been reported in the Bangka Belitung Islands jurisdiction. This study uses a forensic linguistic approach with pragmatic analysis and speech act theory as well as speech strategy. The speech act theory used is the theory proposed by John L. Austin (1962) and deepened by John R. Searle (1979). Both argue that utterances not only provide information but also perform actions. In other words, a person's speech act will always have a purpose according to the context of the speech event. The method used is qualitative. The data used in this study are evidence obtained from investigators of the Bangka Belitung Islands Regional Police in 2021. Based on the analysis, the strategy used by the perpetrators was found, namely the strategy of speaking frankly. The speech acts used are locution, assertive illocution, expressive illocution, declarative illocution, and directive illocution. Patterns of defamation of good reputation and threatening faces are degrading, humiliating, defending, informing, asking, scoffing, promising, regretting, welcoming, apologizing, regretting, and labeling.</em></p> Prima Hariyanto Anis Rahmawati Mujahid Taha Sjane F. Walangarei Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 224 232 10.25170/kolita.21.4853 VISUALITAS PENANDA DOMINANSI KONTEKS SIBERTEKS DALAM CYBERPRAGMATICS <p><em>Linguistic-pragmatic studies in conjunction with information technology has given rise to a new discipline in pragmatics called internet pragmatics or cyber-pragmatics. In this new pragmatics discipline, the speaker's intent cannot only be interpreted by replacing the conventional extra-linguistic context because the elements of that context are no longer sufficient to be used as a means of analysis and interpretation of intent. The dimensions of visual context as a marker of the dominance of cybertext context elements cannot be ignored in understanding the meaning of cybertext data. This cyber-pragmatics research aims to describe the manifestations of the visual dimensions that mark the dominance of cybertext context elements. The formulation of the main problem of this research is presented as follows: How is the manifestation of the visual dimensions marking the dominance of cybertext context elements in the cyber-pragmatics perspective? This study uses a phenomenological approach with a qualitative descriptive method. The target object of the research is the forms and functions that mark the visuality of the cybertext context. Furthermore, the research data is in the form of snippets of texts on the internet in which the target object of the research is contained, namely the form and function of cybertext context visual markers. Sources of substantive data for this research are social media texts in which there is research data, namely the form and function of visual markers in the cybertext context. Taking into account various limitations, research data is limited to a maximum of 9 snippets of cybertext from social media Instagram which are accessed around the time of the research. Data collection was carried out by applying the listening method to cybertext texts. The technique used is the read-note technique. With the methods and techniques of data collection, this research data is well identified for further classification. The data classification step is followed by the step of compiling data types so that they are ready for analysis. Data analysis was carried out by applying the extralingual equivalent method. The analysis technique used is the comparison technique. The analysis is carried out on data that has been properly typed so that interpretation is carried out easily. The next step is to present the results of the analysis and interpretation of the data using informal methods through ordinary language, not by interpreting symbols to convey certain rules. The results of this study are in the form of findings of visual manifestations in the multimodality cybertext context which are detailed as follows: (a) Visual Manifestations in the Form of Graphic Variations; (b) Visual Manifestation in the Form of Image Variations; (c) Visual Manifestations in the Form of Color Variations; (d) Visual Manifestations in the Form of Figure Variations; and (e) Visual Manifestations in the Form of Variations in Forms.</em></p> R. Kunjana Rahardi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 233 244 10.25170/kolita.21.4854 PRAKTIK TRANSFRAMING DAN STRATEGI PENERJEMAHAN BERITA TERKAIT COVID-19 DARI ANTARANEWS.COM <p><em>Kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengelaborasi framing berita terkait Covid-19 yang diterjemahkan dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris, termasuk strategi penerjemahan judul berita yang dominan digunakan di situs web kantor berita Indonesia Antara, Kualitatif adalah sifat dari penelitian ini. Teori yang digunakan adalah pembingkaian berita oleh Liu (2019) yang menyoroti bahwa proses representasi melalui penerjemahan disertai dengan perubahan wacana yang disebabkan oleh perubahan pembingkaian mendapatkan efek yang dimaksudkan. Disebutkan juga indikator transframing yaitu framing tone, meaning, degree, dan devices. Sedangkan strategi penerjemahan dipetakan menggunakan teori Gambier (2006) yang terdiri dari reorganisasi, penghapusan, penambahan, dan penggantian. Data dikumpulkan dari situs web dengan kata kunci vaksinasi Covid-19. Periode pengumpulan berita bahasa Indonesia atau teks sumber (Tsu) dan terjemahan bahasa Inggris atau teks sasaran (Tsa) dimulai dari Maret 2021 hingga Agustus 2021. Hasilnya, diperoleh 30 pasang berita atau 60 judul berita yang menjadi korpus Dengan membandingkan berita dwibahasa yang terkumpul, menyoroti perbedaan naratif yang signifikan dan menghubungkannya dengan berbagai strategi framing, terungkap bahwa TT mengalami transframing yang cenderung menghadirkan citra positif Indonesia dalam penanganan Covid-19 dan membangun kepercayaan masyarakat internasional dengan menonjolkan peran pemerintah Indonesia dan statistik dari sumber resmi.</em></p> Retno Wulandari Setyaningsih Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 245 254 10.25170/kolita.21.4855 THE STRATEGIES USED BY STUDENTS TO LEARN A LANGUAGE WHEN THEY NO LONGER LEARN ONLINE: A SURVEY STUDY ON GRADE 12 STUDENTS IN ONE SCHOOL IN JAKARTA <p><em>After the Covid-19 pandemic, lessons have been back to normal and students and teachers conduct the learning and teaching face to face at schools. The change of the three factors, i.e., the fact that the students learn at school, the time they use to commute, and the direct and easy communication with friends and teachers, might reduce their time to use gadgets or devices to access information. This might also result in the change of strategies used to learn English language, especially pronunciation. Therefore, the writer is interested in finding out what language learning strategies the students use in the normal situation and how it has changed from the ones they deployed during the pandemic. </em><em>In this recent study, just like the previous one, the data was analyzed quantitatively by using a SILL questionnaire developed by Oxford (1990). The respondents of this study were grade 12 students in a senior high school in Jakarta. The respondents were not all the same students as the previous study but they all belonged to the same grade and some of them were actually the same students. The findings in this recent study show the difference in the strategies used by the students in learning English. The most strategies used in this face-to-face learning are compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, social strategies, memory strategies, and affective strategies. The study also found the students used more strategies during the online learning period (2022) than during the onsite learning period (2023). </em><em>The results of this study might be useful for teachers to give them insight about their students’ learning strategies and can help them improve their teaching in class.&nbsp; </em></p> Risuli Hutauruk Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 255 269 10.25170/kolita.21.4856 DEKONSTRUKSI DERRIDA PADA KAJIAN LINGUISTIK KOGNITIF <p class="Abstract" style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm -.3pt 0cm 0cm;"><em><span style="color: black; background: white;" lang="EN-GB">Bahasa merupakan sekumpulan tanda-tanda yang menggiring pada suatu makna tertentu. Strukturalisme Ferdinand de Saussure beranggapan penanda (signifier) berkaitan erat dengan petanda (signified). Lebih jauh petanda bagi paham strukturalisme hanya bisa diartikulasikan oleh penanda. Tidak demikian dengan Derrida. Derrida memahami hal tersebut berbeda bahwa keduanya tidak saling bersinggungan (Derrida, 2010; Balkin, 2010; Gnanasekaran, 2015). Penanda dan Petanda tidak memiliki relasi secara langsung, artinya antara kata dan pemikiran dan apa yang dituju tidak pernah sejalan. Ada makna plural terhadap suatu bahasa dan hal itu tidak menetap sifatnya. Dalam memahami teks, seorang pembaca memiliki ruang untuk menafsirkan apa yang dibaca karena teks tidak lagi terikat pada penutur atau penulis. Melalui dekonstruksi, kebebasan pembaca dalam menafsirkan teks tersebut menunjukkan adanya ruang terbuka bagi interpretasi teks baru yang maknanya akan selalu ter-rekonstruksi. Pemikiran Derrida inilah yang juga mempengaruhi kajian-kajian di bidang linguistik kognitif. Oleh sebab itu, makalah ini bertujuan memaparkan bagaimana dekonstruksi masuk dalam proses penafsiran atau pemaknaan pada dimensi-dimensi metaforis dan figuratif dari bahasa. Metode yang digunakan pada makalah ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Proses analisis tuturan dan tulisan bermakna metaforis pada makalah ini menggunakan langkah-langkah teori dekonstruksi Derrida oleh Haryatmoko (2016). Beberapa teori pada kajian linguistik kognitif, seperti Metafora Konseptual (Lakoff &amp; Johnson, 2003), Implikatur Percakapan (Sperber &amp; Wilson, 1995), dan Kesantunan Berbahasa (Brown &amp; Levinson, 1987) akan dibahas di dalam tulisan ini beserta contoh-contoh penerapan yang muncul di keseharian dan bagaimana teori dekonstruksi Derrida berpengaruh di dalamnya. Contoh-contoh relevan yang memuat tuturan ataupun tulisan bermakna metaforis tersebut diambil dari dua sumber data secara acak, yaitu dari dialog film dan lirik lagu. Makalah ini meyakini bahwa teori dekonstruksi pada kajian linguistik kognitif dapat memunculkan kembali karakter alami suatu bahasa yang bersifat ambigu dan bermakna plural.</span></em></p> Seradona Altiria Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 270 280 10.25170/kolita.21.4857 YOUNG ENGLISH LEARNERS’ ANXIETY: THE CASE IN INDONESIAN ELEMENTARY CLASSROOM <p><em>It is a common phenomenon that English language learners suffer from anxiety when they step into a language class, especially in the oral-focused lesson. This situation is experienced not only by adult English learners but also by the young ones who are learning in English-speaking classes at the elementary school level. Language anxiety they have is triggered by or originated from numerous factors, including the teacher’s identity factor.&nbsp; A teacher who is a ‘native’ speaker of the language is believed to gear greater anxiety among English as a foreign language learners resulted in passiveness and withdrawal from oral activities in the class. Referring to the circumstance, this study, was conducted to see the level of anxiety in English speaking classes which were taught by a native English speaker teacher (NEST) as well as to see the possible aspects evoking foreign language anxiety among young English learners. This present research, particularly, involved 69 active students of Tarakanita 1 elementary school in Jakarta. The research data was collected using a qualitative method with a set of questionnaires as a major data collection instrument, embracing three key indicators namely fear of communicating, fear of negative evaluations, and testing anxiety. To identify similarities and differences among students of differing anxiety levels, five categories: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high anxiety are applied. Quantitative analysis of the data revealed that the participants exhibit different levels of anxiousness in speaking English with a native English speaker. The highest percentage fell at high level category which was applied for the three aforementioned indicators. Pertaining to the factors influence might arouse anxiety in speaking class fear of communicating, contribute as much as the other two: fear of negative evaluations, and testing anxiety. The findings of this study are expected to benefit both teachers and students. It is hoped that students will develop more awareness towards factors, as anxiety, that may hinder them from mastering English-speaking skill and find solutions to overcome anxiety in speaking. Moreover, teachers are hoped to be more understanding and concerned with the anxiety young English learners experience and help them reduce their anxiety during the classroom performance through implementing various strategies. </em></p> Tanadya Rasyida Paulina Chandrasari Kusuma Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 281 290 10.25170/kolita.21.4858 THE TECHNIQUES IN THE ENGLISH DUBBING OF SURYANI’S INTERROGATIVE UTTERANCES IN PENYALIN CAHAYA <p><em>This study investigates the English dubbing techniques used in translating the interrogative utterances of the protagonist, Suryani, in the movie “Penyalin Cahaya”. The research focuses on analyzing the dubbing techniques used to convey the pragmatic functions and cultural references of Suryani’s interrogative utterances in the source language to the target language. The study employs a qualitative research design, utilizing library and explicatory analysis to analyze the data. The corpus of data was collected from the movie and the English dubbed version. The results reveal that the dubbing techniques used in translating Suryani’s interrogative utterances in “Penyalin Cahaya” mainly include the use of question tags, direct and indirect questions, and modals to convey the intended pragmatic functions and cultural references of the source language utterances. The study also shows that the translation of interrogative utterances in the movie requires the translators to take into account the pragmatic and cultural contexts of the source language and the target language. The analysis of the data also reveals that the use of question tags is the most frequently used technique in the English dubbing of Suryani’s interrogative utterances. The use of question tags is employed to convey the intended pragmatic functions and cultural references of the interrogative utterances in the source language, such as indicating surprise, seeking confirmation, and expressing irony. Moreover, the use of direct and indirect questions and modals is also found to be a common technique in translating Suryani’s interrogative utterances. The use of these techniques is employed to convey the intended pragmatic functions and cultural references of the interrogative utterances, such as indicating politeness, requesting information, and expressing uncertainty. This study provides a valuable contribution to the field of audiovisual translation by exploring the dubbing techniques used in translating the interrogative utterances in “Penyalin Cahaya”. The study reveals that the use of question tags, direct and indirect questions, and modals is employed to convey the intended pragmatic functions and cultural references of the interrogative utterances in the source language. The study also highlights the importance of considering the pragmatic and cultural contexts of the source and target languages when translating interrogative utterances in audiovisual texts.</em></p> Tarian Mentari Harris Hermansyah Setiajid Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 291 297 10.25170/kolita.21.4859 APPRAISAL ANALYSIS OF ROY SURYO’S DEFAMATION ACCUSATION TO EKO KUNTADHI AND MAZDJO PRAY <p><em>In 2021, the former Minister of Youth and Sports, Roy Suryo reported Eko Kuntadhi and Mazdjo Pray for a defamation case regarding the comments in their YouTube video. The former minister reported that the two had falsely accused him and defamed him regarding the hit-and-run case that he faced with the Indonesian actor Lucky Alamsyah in the same year. However, the case still did not reach any conclusions in 2022. This research then aims to investigate whether the video contains defamation to be considered a criminal case as claimed by the former minister. This study would employ the appraisal framework proposed by Martin and White (2005) in order to analyze the contents of the video, including the comments of Eko Kuntadhi and Mazdjo Pray. To help reach a deeper analysis, the study would also use the intertextuality of the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) by Reisigl and Wodak (2009). Both the appraisal and the Discourse-Historical Approach were applied to analyze the utterances made by the two in their video entitled EKO KUNTADHI &amp; MAZDJO PRAY: DEWA PANCI BIKIN ULAH LAGI (PRA KONTRO #36). Findings indicate that Mazdjo Pray and Eko Kuntadhi have body-shamed Roy Suryo through mockery, particularly to his mustache through negative judgment. The duo also used mockery to link Roy Suryo’s mustache to his successful appointment as the Minister of Youth and Sports after succeeding both the official minister, Andi Mallarangeng, and his ad interim minister, Agung Laksono, citing that the only reason for his promotion was due to his mustaches’ likeness to that of Andi’s. The duo also made various comments regarding Roy Suryo’s activities on Twitter, citing that he often utilizes his technological skills only to analyze various pornographic contents to verify the actors and actresses portrayed. Meanwhile, the analysis indicates that the claims for defamation regarding the case are not to be found since the literature describing the events matches the statements. </em></p> Untung Yuwono Sudirman Sudirman Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 298 305 10.25170/kolita.21.4860 A REFLECTION OF TEACHER’S AFFECTIVE ELEMENT TO LOWER ADULT LEARNERS’ AFFECTIVE FILTER AND ENCOURAGE INCLUSIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT <p><em>This paper is a reflective study of how teachers’ positive affective element affects the way students react to the lessons during my observation period on online English classes for teachers. The classes were set to prepare English teachers for proficiency exams. Hence, the students were English teachers (participants) and the teachers were expatriate English teachers (facilitators). I found observing these classes to be interesting mainly because the subjects were English teachers. Preparing English teachers for an English exam is not an easy task, especially when the teachers have been teaching for over a decade. Many viewed being tested as being doubted on their expertise and thus, showed reluctance to participate in the learning process. This corroborates earlier research that claimed being a facilitator for disinclined and demotivated participants could be emotionally draining (Kyriacou, 2000, as cited in Abu-Rmaileh, 2020). </em><em>The course was set based on a predetermined syllabus to meet the needs for exam readiness; and the proficiency of the participants was significantly lower than expectation. This was in contrast to Krashen and Terrel’s Natural Approach (1983), founded on the principle that involving learners in meaningful communicative and interactive activities at the suitable complexity level is the foundation of a language learning, compared to teaching the predetermined materials. This is probably why the classes did not quite yield the expected outcome for the participants. </em><em>This reflective study is based on live observation report, reflective journals that I wrote while observing the classes, and interview with participants. There were 5 lessons with two facilitators who are both expatriate English teachers that the participants specifically requested. Each class lasted for 2 to 3 hours. I concentrated my reflection on the affective element shown by the facilitators in the classes. The facilitators demonstrated different approaches in their teaching which then resulted in different outcomes.</em></p> Vita Kusumastuti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 306 311 10.25170/kolita.21.4862 MEMERIKAN FUNGSI ARGUMENTASI BIDANG SOSIAL, POLITIK, DAN HUKUM MOMENTUM PRAPEMILU 2024: PERSPEKTIF PRAGMATIK KRITIS KORTA & PERRY <p><em>Argumentasi tidak saja hadir dalam pertuturan keseharian kehidupan bermasyarakat. Argumentasi hadir pula dalam relasi-relasi kuasa antara pihak superior dan berotoritas dengan pihak-pihak yang menjadi inferiornya. Penemuan dan pemaknaan identitas fungsi argumentasi-argumentasi dalam relasi kuasa tersebut mustahil dilakukan dengan analisis dan interpretasi yang mengesampingkan dimensi-dimensi kritis karena dalam relasi kuasa pasti muncul aspek-aspek ideologis dan keberpihakan pihak tertentu. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memerikan fungsi-fungsi argumentasi bidang sosial, politik, dan hukum prapemilu 2024 dalam perspektif pragmatik kritis Korta &amp; Perry. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah: Apa sajakah fungsi-fungsi argumentasi bidang-bidang sosial, politik, dan hukum prapemilu 2024? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis dengan tujuan untuk menggambarkan fenomena sosial, politik, dan hukum tertentu, bukan untuk membuat perampatan-perampatan atau generalisasi konsep. Objek penelitian ini adalah fungsi-fungsi argumentasi yang terdapat dalam teks-teks argumentasi bidang-bidang sosial, politik, dan hukum prapemilu 2024. Data penelitian ini berupa cuplikan-cuplikan teks argumentasi bidang sosial, politik, dan hukum prapemilu 2024. Selanjutnya perlu disampaikan pula bahwa sumber data substantif penelitian ini adalah teks-teks argumentasi bidang sosial, politik, dan hukum prapemilu 2024 yang ditemukan di dalam berbagai media sosial, khususnya Twitter, Youtube, dan Instagram. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode simak bebas libat cakap dengan teknik baca catat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi data dalam teks argumentasi, mengklasifikasikannya, lalu menipekannya secara spesifik supaya analisis dan interpretasi data mudah untuk dilakukan. Analisis data dilakukan setelah data diklasifikasikan dan ditipe-tipekan terperinci dengan menerapkan metode analisis padan atau kontekstual. Metode analisis kontekstual dilakukan dengan memadankan konteks tuturan, baik yang bersifat konvensional, virtual, maupun siberteks. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan </em><em>enam fungsi argumentasi yang terdapat dalam teks-teks argumentasi bidang-bidang sosial, politik, dan hukum prapemilu 2024. </em><em>Keenam fungsi argumentasi tersebut adalah (1) (1) membangun keyakinan publik tentang pentingnya mematuhi undang-undang; (2) mendukung persepsi publik tentang pentingnya demokratisasi; (3) menjamin kepastian hukum terkait pelaksanaan pemilu; (4) menegaskan kebenaran atas perdebatan fenomena sosial-politik tertentu; (5) menolak persepsi keliru tentang persoalan sosial-politik tertentu; dan (6) meluruskan tendensi penyimpangan atas kebenaran sosial-politik-hukum.</em></p> Yuliana Setyaningsih Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA) 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 21 21 312 322 10.25170/kolita.21.4863