Kata Kunci:
translation errors, readability, translationAbstrak
Translation is the process of stating the same message from the source language to the target language. The translation results of each individual can be different even in the same context. Translation errors will still happen either in the direct translation or indirect translation, specifically in bilingual textbooks. This is often experienced by non-native speakers whose translation results are still unacceptable, in other words, far from the original meaning. The lack of insights in both source language and target language caused the errors to make different interpretations and can also bemuse the readers or listeners. This research is conducted to develop a translation study by discovering types of error in English translation experienced by the author and determining its readability among some invited respondents. After doing some translation practices, particularly in the translated texts, children's literature is selected to be the research object. Under the title Batu Menangis which is arranged and translated by M. Rantissi. This book is written in two languages, Indonesian (Source language) and English (Target language). Qualitative research for this research applying the explicatory research method to describe the analysis explicitly to give a more detailed description of error types. Besides, the research is also a quantitative research by applying the survey research method to get a concrete data assessment to support the analysis. Error Analysis Concept becomes the approach to help the researcher classify the errors into some subcategories. The researcher found some errors in grammatical and spelling. Mostly, grammatical errors occurred in the English translation of Batu Menangis. The rest were such minor errors in misspelled words. These errors are affecting the readability of the text itself because some readers might find it unreadable. The author is predicted to not aware of the mistakes in her English translation in which the erroneous accidentally appears due to the lack of knowledge in the target language. Meanwhile, the results of the readability assessment showed that the English translation errors in Batu Menangis children’s storybook are still understandable and readable with the original meaning.