
  • Dian Purwaningrum Universitas Pancasila
  • Muhammad Arvin Wicaksono Universitas Pancasila



citizenship, human rights, state jurisdiction.


Citizenship provides individuals with legal, political, and social rights, as well as the right to self-determination. Due to the growing popularity of ISIS as a religious radicalism movement in Indonesia, there have been discussions about revoking the legal status of ISIS supporters as Indonesian citizens. This study aims to gain a better understanding of how citizenship regulations are implemented and the legal status of ISIS militia members. In addition, we will investigate the position of the Indonesian government on this issue. The author employs the library method, a deductive research technique, to analyze the cases and regulatory issues governing this research problem. Legal information is obtained from primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. In this paper, the author applies the theory of state ownership, state responsibility, and citizens. Results This research leads the author to the conclusion that legal status is a fundamental right. This right cannot be exercised in the absence of a legal framework that, to the extent possible, as a country, regulates the consequences of revocation of citizenship, which can render a person stateless. In this instance, the state is responsible for protecting the fundamental rights of individuals whose protection is grounded in domestic law and international law instruments.


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