Perilaku Timbal Balik (Reciprocity) sebagai Alat Pemaksa Norma Sosial Tinjauan Artikel Fairness and Retaliation: Economics of Reciprocity


  • Adji Pratikto Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya


reciprocity, self interest, public goods, punishment and reward


Economics views human beings as exclusively self interest, but in many research experiments, many people deviate from purely self interested behaviour in a reciprocal manner. They will be nicer and more cooperative in respond for friendly action than predicted by self interest model. Conversely, in respond for bad action, they will be much nasty and even brutal. This reciprocity behaviour can promote efficiency in provision of public goods if the people have chance to punish the free rider. So we can call the reciprocity behaviour as norm enforcement device.



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