DOI: Kunci:
Strategy, Company Performance, Good Corporate GovernanceAbstrak
This study aims to see the effect of strategy on company performance with Good Corporate Governance as a moderating variable. It is using data collected from the Indonesian Stock Exchange data from 2015 - 2017. Using a method that already uses Jeremias and Ghani 2005 as a strategic measure, ROE is used to measure performance, and Good Corporate Governance using the Board of Commissioners meetings as a measure. This study aims to find information on whether the strategy made will improve the company's performance and the function of its control tools in carrying out the strategy made. The result of this study is that strategy has a positive influence of 3,809 on company performance where the significant level is 0,000 which means that the first hypothesis is accepted, with the result that strategy has a positive effect on company performance. Likewise the results of the second hypothesis where the impact of Good Corporate Governance on the relationship between strategy and company performance is positive 3,847 where this figure is greater than the direct positive relationship of 3,809 which means that the second hypothesis is accepted that good corporate governance strengthens the relationship between strategy and company performance as a whole significant.