Gambaran kehamilan ektopik pada magnetic resonance imaging


  • Trifonia Pingkan Siregar Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
  • Fitriyadi Kusuma Djajasasmita Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
  • Tantri Hellyanti Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
  • Stefani Stascia Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia



diagnostik, kehamilan ektopik, MRI, ultrasonografi


Pendahuluan: Kehamilan ektopik (KE) adalah kehamilan dengan letak implantasi di luar kavum uterus. Diagnosis KE ditegakkan melalui tes urin, ultrasonografi, penilaian level β-hCG, dan kuretase. Ultrasonografi transvaginal adalah modalitas imejing terpilih, meskipun pada beberapa kondisi, sulit menentukan antara kehamilan awal atau KE melalui Ultrasonografi transvaginal. Pada KE dapat terjadi juga beberapa gambaran kelainan di intra-uterus/endometrium.

Kasus: Seorang wanita 32 tahun dengan riwayat kehamilan ektopik 2 kali sebelum dan sekarang dengan periode menstruasi terlambat 2 bulan. Tes kehamilan positif dengan kadar β-hCG 24,411 mIU/ml. Pasien menjalani TVU dan dicurigai adanya massa intra uterin tanpa ditemukan struktur kantung gestasi (GS). Pasien diduga menderita gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) karena pada pemeriksaan laboratorium didapatkan hasil tes kehamilan positif dan peningkatan kadar β-hCG, dan USG tidak menunjukkan adanya GS intra/ekstra kavum uteri. Pasien menjalani MR pelvis dengan hasil dicurigai adanya kantung kehamilan di adneksa kiri dan menunjukkan perubahan endometrium yang menyerupai lesi massa. Pasien menjalani operasi laparotomi dan mengungkapkan kehamilan ektopik di dalam tuba Fallopi kiri dengan hemoperitoneum masif, diagnosis ini dikonfirmasi pada hasil patologis.

Simpulan: Apabila sulit menegakkan diagnosis dengan ultrasonografi transvaginal, maka modalitas MRI menjadi pilihan karena memiliki kemampuan diagnosis yang lebih baik. Pengetahuan akan gambaran klinis dan MRI pada KE sangat penting untuk menentukan diagnosis yang akurat dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat.


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Author Biographies

Trifonia Pingkan Siregar, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

Doctor Trifonia Pingkan Siregar is a medical staff at Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Department RSCM (since 2014) and RSUI (since 2017). Currently she serves as the Head of Administrative, General Affairs, and Operational Sub-Installation, Head of Installation of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine RSCM FKUI since 2021. She graduated from faculty of medicine in 2009 at Atma Jaya Catholic University, she continued her education as a radiologist specialist at the University of Indonesia and graduated in 2014. She finished women's imaging fellowship program at the Department of Diagnostic and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan in 2018 and a fellowship program on Abdominal Radiology at the Indonesian Society of Abdominal Radiology (graduated in 2021). She has been active in publishing journal articles since 2014 until now.

Fitriyadi Kusuma Djajasasmita, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

Doctor Fitriyadi Kusuma Djajasasmita has been a medical staff of the Obstetrics and Gynecology department of FKUI/RSCM since 1999 and currently he is the Research and Development Coordinator at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology FKUI/RSCM. He completed his medical education and education as a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the University of Indonesia, then he continued his education in Gynecologic Oncology at the University of Indonesia, recently he completed the doctoral education program (S3) in medical science at University of Indonesia, graduated in 2017. He also has completed several fellowship programs in Indonesia, Singapore, Australia and South Korea. He is active in attending and teaching symposiums, seminars, trainings both nationally and internationally since 2000 until now. He also has many scientific journal publications both nationally and internationally since 2006 until now. He has several honors/ awards, namely Operation Bakti TNI AL Surya Bhaskara Jaya in 1999, Young Gynaecologist Award (AOFOG) in Singapore in 2000, Satyalancana Karya Satya X in 2010, and Satyalancana Karya Satya XX in 2016.

Tantri Hellyanti, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

Doctor Tantri Hellyanti was born in Jakarta on March 1st, 1982. She completed her medical education at Gadjah Mada University in 2007, then she continued her education as an anatomic pathologist (graduated in 2013) and subspecialty in female reproductive pathology, placenta and breast (graduated in 2019) at the Indonesia University. She is active in making journal articles and being a speaker in seminars since 2012 until now. Some of the awards she has received are awards for achievements as facilitator of group discussions with excellent predicate, RSCM Operational Research Grants in 2020 and 2022, awards for research publication incentives in international journals in 2021, Basic Training for CPNS Group III Batch 2 in 2021 - Balai Besar Ciloto Training with special achievements ranked III.

Stefani Stascia, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia

Doctor Stefani Stascia was born in Jakarta on February 21st, 1994. She completed her medical education at Catholic University Atma Jaya in 2018. She then worked as an assistant lecturer in anatomy department at Catholic University Atma Jaya in 2018-2019, then continued the government internship program in 2019-2020 at Mardi Waluyo General Hospital, Blitar, East Java as an internship doctor, and in 2020-2021 she worked at the Sentra Medika Cibinong Hospital, Bogor, West Java as a medical doctor. Currently, she is an assistant in the radiology department of RSCM since 2022.


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How to Cite

Siregar TP, Djajasasmita FK, Hellyanti T, Stascia S. Gambaran kehamilan ektopik pada magnetic resonance imaging. DJM [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];22(3):259-66. Available from:
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