The Use of Moulage in Simulated Patient for Clinical Skill Learning


  • Gisella Anastasia UNIKA Atma Jaya



simulated patient, simulation method, skills lab, moulage


Introduction: Student’s mastery of clinical skills through simulation is affected by many factors, one of which is fidelity. Clinical skills mastery is expected to be higher if using a higher fidelity simulation method. Simulated patients’ method’s fidelity can be increased by using moulage. This method is relatively new and its effect in clinical skills learning in Indonesia has never been reported before. Thus, the aim of this research is to find out the effect of moulage in simulated patient method for clinical skill learning in skills laboratory setting.

Methods: This study was quantitative experimental research using 2 groups post test only design (n = 40 students). Students were divided randomly into the experimental group (with moulage) and control group (without moulage). Assessment was performed using rubric and check list that consist of history taking, physical examination (PE), and proffesionalism component. The result was statistically analyzed using Wilcoxon test. Evaluation of implementation was obtained from students and skill lab instructor. 

Results: The PE, professionalism and final score in the experimental group is higher than control group, while the history taking is lower, all scores are not statistically significant (p=1; p=0.37; p=0.32). The score for washing hands after doing PE and identifying the wound correctly is higher in the experimental group. This study finds that moulage encourage student to participate in clinical skills learning just like in the real practice.

Conclusion: Moulage gives a positive influence in clinical skills learning, especially in treating the simulated patient just like a real patient.

Key Words: simulated patient, simulation method, skills lab, Moulage.


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How to Cite

Anastasia G. The Use of Moulage in Simulated Patient for Clinical Skill Learning. DJM [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 27 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];21(2):103-12. Available from:
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