Developing an Indonesian textbook for non-native learners of Indonesian at elementary level


  • Sayit Abdul Karim



material development, elementary level, Indonesian textbook, Non-native learners of Indonesian


The present study aims at (1) exploring the learning materials which are available for non-native learners of Indonesian who learn Indonesian at Elementary level, and their weaknesses; (2) examining and developing the alternative model to suit the needs of non-native learners of Indonesian to communicate intensively in Indonesian; and (3) evaluating the effectiveness of the learning material used for non-native learners of Indonesian at Elementary level. The research design in this study was research and development (R&D) model by Borg and Gall (1983: 775). The subjects of the try out were six Darmasiswa students at UNNES BIPA program in the academic year of 2012/2013. They were one student from Japan, one from Poland, two from Estonia, one from Czechoslovakia, and one student from the Netherlands. The product developed has been examined in the tryout session. Students’ achievement was improved after using the product. The improvement of students’ achievement was about 20% to 25%. Finally, it can be concluded that the Indonesian textbook developed for non-native learners of Indonesian at Elementary level is helpful, effective, and appropriate to be used in the Indonesian to speakers of other languages program.


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