Teaching – research nexus in higher education management: An overview
teahing-research nexus, higher education, academic researchAbstract
This paper aims to critically review the nexus between teaching and research in higher education. This study investigates the issue such as why universities and policy makers are calling for stronger integration of teaching and research in spite of a considerable tensions among researchers, scholars, and all the concerned with regard to teaching-research nexus. The researcher argues that symbiotic relationship between teaching and research should be perceived and treated accordingly by academics, students, and policy makers to fully promote quality education in terms of creating new knowledge and contributing to the local and global community. The research approach adopted in this study includes views, reviews, and critics put forward in different literature. The findings suggest that the nature of teaching-research relationship is not always a clear cut one. The paper concludes that despite varied relationship between teaching and research, a positive nexus between teaching and research is more common and therefore, teachers, academic staffs, and policy makers should pay a critical attention to a symbiotic relationship between teaching and research.
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