BMPP Metode Percepatan Waktu Pekerjaan Pemancangan Infrastruktur Barge Mounting Power Plan (BMMP) Di Wolo - Kolaka
Tiang pancang baja, pemancangan tiang, percepatan, BMPP, waktuAbstract
PLN Indonesia Power is developing a floating type power plant, namely BMPP (Barge Mounted Power Plant) which is located in Wolo District, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. This power plant was built to meet the electrical power needs for a smelter mine with a capacity of 60 MW. The duration of work set by the employer is 4.5 months for completion of work on the BMPP facility. Based on confirmation results from partners, steel pipe pile production takes 45 days and erection takes 71 working days. There is critical work, namely piling work, which requires an implementation time of 116 working days. Taking into account the steel pipe pile production period and driving duration, it is proposed to add additional sets of piling tools. The addition of a set of piling tools can speed up the duration of the piling work.
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Rafian Ghozi, I., Minto, B. (2022). Analisis Teknis dan Ekonomis Pemakaian Ketebalan Cat dan Metode Pengecatan pada Lambung BMPP (Barge Mounted Power Plant) di PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero). Jurnal Sumberdaya Bumi Berkelanjutan, 2 (1), 423-429.
Alfredo Rana, Y., Minto, B. Analisa Risiko Pembangunan Barge Mounted Power Plant (BMPP) 60 MW Di PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Menggunakan Metode Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dan Matrik Risiko. Jurnal Sumberdaya Bumi Berkelanjutan, 2 (1), 476-491