General requirement

  1. The length of the article must be at least 4,000 words, OR 10 pages not including any attachments.
  2. The article must be typed using Microsoft Word, on A4-size paper, single-spaced, and in one column.
  3. The left margin must be 3.5 cm; the right margin must be 2.5 cm; the lower margin must be 3 cm; aligned; the font must be Times New Roman, in size 12 (except for the article’s title, which is in size 14; and the abstract, keywords, and name and identifying information of the author(s), which is in size 11).
  4. The first paragraph and thereafter are started with one (1) tab (first line indented).
  5. Within an article written in Indonesian, foreign words or local words are italicized. Within an article written in English, Indonesian words or local words are italicized.
  6. The space between the subtitle and the preceding text is an automatic space.
  7. The space between the text and the title of a table, or between a figure and the text, or between a table and a figure, or between two subtitles is six (6) points.
  8. Citations within the texts should be written as in the following examples: (Anderson, 2013; Hibah 2012); Liem (2016), (Liem 2016); (Nelson, Lott, & Glenn, 2000, p.8); Cruise et al. (2011) for more than five authors.
  9. Figures or tables must be referred to within the article and given sources if they come from specific references. Place titles to the left above tables. Place titles of figures or diagrams to the right below the figures or diagrams. Only the first letter of the first word is capitalized, except for any other word that is the name of a person, city, country, or abbreviation.
  10. Figures or photos must be clear and displayed in bright resolution.

Manuscript Structures

TITLE:  The title must be written in a brief and informative manner, in Indonesian and in English. The title must be typed in size 14, single-spaced, and no more than fifteen (15) words in the Indonesian title. The title must be positioned in the center of the page, using capital letters for the beginning of each word, unless the word is a preposition or conjunction. The title should be arranged as an inverted pyramid. The title should reflect the solution or behavior that will reach the desired goal stated in the article.

AUTHOR(S) IDENTITY:  The article can be written by up to six (6) people, including students (if any). The article should list the full name(s) of the author(s) without titles, written consecutively and separated by commas if there are multiple authors. The name of each author should be typed in boldface, in the font Times New Roman in size 11, single-spaced.

INSTITUTION IDENTITY:  If there are multiple institutions associated with the author(s), separate each institution name with a comma.

INSTITUTION ADDRESS:  Write the full address of the research institution, including the country.

EMAIL ADDRESS:  Write the email address of all authors. If there are multiple email addresses, separate each email address with a comma. Each email address should be in italics , in the font Times New Roman in size 11, single-spaced.

ABSTRACT:  The abstract is written in English and Indonesian. The abstract contains the relevant background on the activities in relation to community service, goals of the work, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. The abstract should include 150-250 words, in one single-spaced paragraph written in the font Times New Roman in size 11. The abstract should be written in left-right alignment, without spaces at the start of the paragraph. If the article is written in Indonesian, the English abstract should be positioned first, followed by the abstract in Indonesian. Conversely, if the article is written in English, the Indonesian abstract should be positioned first, followed by the abstract in English.

KEYWORDS: Keywords written in English and Indonesian are written on the left side of the page. The keywords pertain to important concepts in the article. An article should contain three to five such keywords. Keywords in Bahasa Indonesia should be ordered alphabetically, in lowercase letters, separated by a comma, and finished without a period. The keywords should be written in the font Times New Roman in size 11. Keywords in English follow the order of keywords in Bahasa Indonesia.

INTRODUCTION:  This part contains the background, context, or analysis of the situation that has motivated the service activities, such as a challenge faced by the community or how a problem could be solved by the expertise of the author(s). The introduction needs to be supported by theory and previous results of research or community service. The introduction should conclude with a statement of the goals for the activities discussed in the article. Each of these items may not be written under serially numbered subtitles. The introduction should be written in the font Times New Roman in size 12, single-spaced.

METHOD:  This part explains, in detail, the audience or community in focus for the given project, the time and place of the activities, the procedure or stages of the activities, the instruments of evaluation, materials, and tools used (if any). The methodology must be in accordance with the goals of the activities. The method section should not be written under serially numbered subtitles. This section should be written in the font Times New Roman in size 12, single-spaced. To facilitate understanding of the stages of the activities, an engaging diagram might be useful.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: This part contains the results of the activities or the data collected in accordance with the goals of the research, the result of evaluations, and constraints that were encountered. This section is accompanied by a statement of the deep, substantial results of the project. The discussion references past research or community service, describing points of support or contradiction with the existing works. This part may use subtitles, but not with serial numbering.

Subtitle level 1: the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for conjunctions and prepositions, and the subtitle is written in boldface;

Subtitle level 2: the first letter of the first word is capitalized, except for conjunctions and prepositions, and the subtitle is written in boldface;

Subtitle level 3: the first letter of the first word is capitalized, and the subtitle is written in boldface and italics.

The three levels of subtitles are exemplified below:

The Potential of Gantang Village, Magelang (level 1)

Natural resources (level 2)

Chili and cabbage (level 3)

This part can be supplemented with tables, graphics, images, or figures referenced in the article. Such materials cannot stand alone. If there are multiple tables, they should be given numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on. In the title of a table, only the first letter of the first word should be written in capital letters, except for words that are names of cities, countries, people, or abbreviations). The title of a table is written in boldface and size 11, left-aligned above the table. A table should only use horizontal lines  for the head row and the bottom of the table.. The title of each column in a table should be written with its first word capitalized, and all such column titles should be written in boldface. In a similar way, figures are given consecutive numbers and capitalization only applies to the first letter of the first word, except for the name of a city, country, person, or abbreviation, written in boldface and size 11, and left-aligned below the figure. The text content of the tables and figures should be typed in the font Times New Roman in size 12, single-spaced. Figures should be bright and displayed in high resolution.

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION:  The conclusion is written based on the results and discussion. The conclusion should relate to the goals of the activities. Suggestions or recommendations can be offered based on the conclusion. Neither the conclusion nor the recommendations may be written in a numbered manner, nor in a bulleted list. Rather, this section should be explained in a narrative using paragraphs. There are no subtitles in this section, and the section is written in the font Times New Roman in size 12, single-spaced.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:  A statement of appreciation and gratitude is delivered to the parties, agencies, institutions, and personnel who supported the undertaking of the activities, especially suppliers of funds or sponsors. This section is written in the font Times New Roman in size 12, single-space.

REFERENCES: For the list of references, it is suggested to use the reference application Mendeley with the reference system APA (American Psychological Association) (APA Style) version 7. Each article should use at least ten references and only sources cited within the article itself should be included in the reference list. At least 75% of the sources used should be primary sources from the past ten years, with a priority on scientific journals, proceedings, research books, theses, or dissertations. This section is written in the font Times New Roman in size 12, single-space, with hanging indentation.