Workshop on Leadership and Negotiation Techniques as an Effort to Improve the Human Resource of PT Shimano Batam's Labor Union


  • Ary Prasetyo Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Galileo
  • Saiful Badri Sofyan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Galileo



leadership, training, labor union, negotiation techniques


Workers who wish to unionize in our country are protected by Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning trade unions/ labor unions. Labor unions certainly have many problems, both internal to the organization and external to the organization. The issue at PT Shimano Batam is that an agreement has not been reached between the union and the employer regarding the Collective Labor Agreement (PKB). The management of the LEM SPSI PT Shimano Batam Work Unit (PUK) carried out a workshop that aims to increase the resources of the Management and Field Coordinator of the LEM SPSI PT Shimano Batam Work Unit Management (PUK). It was expected that they would be able to properly manage the organization and solve all internal and external problems. In addition, it was also hoped that the management and field coordinators of the Work Unit Management (PUK) of LEM SPSI PT Shimano Batam would understand the material about leadership and negotiating techniques well and pass on this knowledge to other members of the labor union. The community service activities start from preparation, then implementation of training, and finally, evaluation. The method used was lecture and discussion. There were 21 participants in this training. As a result of this training or workshop on leadership and negotiation techniques, 95% of the participants fully understand and adequately understand the material about leadership and negotiation techniques, respectively.


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How to Cite

Prasetyo, A., & Sofyan, S. B. (2022). Workshop on Leadership and Negotiation Techniques as an Effort to Improve the Human Resource of PT Shimano Batam’s Labor Union. MITRA: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, 6(2), 139–147.
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