https://doi.org/10.25170/paradigma.v9i2.5757Kata Kunci:
Skema Piramida, Kejahatan EkonomiAbstrak
Pyramid Scheme is one of the illegal business systems that cause losses to many people. In Indonesia and in the world, this Pyramid Scheme has been banned from running and there are sanctions for running this scheme. Looking at the scheme run in the Pyramid Scheme, which causes losses to investors (victims), problems began to arise, namely in connection with the impact on the country's economy due to the crime of the Pyramid Scheme. So that this paper aims to see how the state's economic impact is caused as a result of this Pyramid Scheme crime. The research method that will be used in this writing is normative juridical. As a result, it was found that in fact this Pyramid Scheme crime caused losses to the country's economy because the country's growth was hampered. In the analysis, economic losses were experienced by the countries of Albania and Romania. Where the inflation rate of these countries occurs as a result of fast money turnover, and high demand for goods. Therefore, the more people participate in this scheme, the more the economy comes to a standstill.
Keywords: Pyramid Scheme, Economy, Losses.
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