
  • Giri Prahasta Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Trisakti
  • Luki Adiati Pratomo Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Trisakti



Attitude toward the protection of the environment, Intention to green purchasing behavior


This research aims to examine the effect of consumers attitude toward the protection of the environment,
personal norms related to green issues, and consumers willingness to pay for green product attributes on the
intention to green purchasing behavior . The data was gathered by using questionnaires and was collected
from 153 respondents who had bought organic food in Jakarta. The sampling technique used is purposive
sampling. Mutiple Regression is used to analyze the data. The findings showed that those antecedences of
intentions to green purchasing behavior that consists of the consumers attitude toward the protection of the
environment, personal norms related to green issues, and consumers willingness to pay for green product
attributes have positive influence on intention to green purchasing behavior. For future research it is
suggested to research other green products in addition to organic food products and add other variables.


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