
  • Bernadus Dwiprakasa Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
  • Christiana Fara Dharmastuti Unika Atma Jaya




Equity Mutual Fund, Expense Ratio, Fund Size, Turnover Ratio, The Mutual Fund’s Age, The Mutual Fund’s Performance, Sharpe


A mutual fund is one of the interesting alternative modes of investment models for the investors that do not have much time, knowledge and expertise in calculating the risk and investment return. This study is aimed to understand the influence of the mutual fund’s characteristics: the expense ratio, fund size, turnover ratio, and the mutual fund’s age towards the mutual fund’s performance in Indonesia. This study has been conducted using the Fixed Effect Model with the White cross-section as the coefficient covariance method at 34 active equity mutual funds that existed in Indonesia during the 2012-2013 period. The result of this study has indicated that the expense ratio and the multi fund’s age have a significant negative towards the the equities mutual funds in Indonesia while the fund size and the turnover ratios have a significant positive influence towards the the equity’s mutual fund’s performance in Indonesia.


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