
  • Mariana Simanjuntak Ph.D. Student at Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Windy Vivi A. M Manalu Engineering Management, Faculty of Industrial of Technology, Institut Teknologi Del, Indonesia
  • Naili Farida Lecturer Doctoral Program Economics Department Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia



Purchase Intention, Price, Services, Product Quality, Location


This study aims to determine the effect of price, service, product and location (PSPL) quality factors on tourist purchase interest and to find the factor most influencing tourists' purchase intention in local culinary in the Lake Toba area. The method used in this research was verification analysis using multiple linear regression. From the results of the research by conducting the F test, the variable price (X1), service quality (X2), product quality (X3), and location (X4) have a significant effect on purchase intention in local culinary in the Lake Toba area. Testing with the T test showed that the variables affecting the purchase intention of Arsik Fish Culinary are the variables of service quality (X2), product quality (X3), and location (X4). The variables influencing Naniura  purchase intention are product quality (X3) and location (X4). The variables that affect the purchase intention of Manuk Napinadar are service quality (X2), product quality (X3), and location (X4). The variables that affect Natinombur  purchase intention are price (X1), product quality (X2), and location (X4). The variables that influence Dali Ni Horbo's purchase intention are product quality (X3) and location (X4). The variables that affect Tanggo-Tanggo purchase intention are the variable product quality (X3) and location (X4). Overall from the type of culinary service, it is found that hospitality is the lowest, so it needs to be improved. The results of this study can be used by local culinary managers or owners in developing strategies and increasing sales performance.


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