sexting, intention of non-consensual forwarding of sexts, male adolescent, theory of planned behaviorAbstract
Non-consensual forwarding of sexts is a form of online sexual harassment. This behavior is often found
during teenage years up to young adults. The impacts to the victim are reputational damage, a feeling
of violated, and a possible emergence of trauma. This research aims to describe the intention of nonconsensual forwarding of sexts using the theory of planned behavior as the theoretical framework. The
approach implemented in this research was qualitative design using thematic analysis. Participants
involved in this study are 4 male teenagers. The data collection method used is a semi-structured online
interview. The findings showed that non-consensual forwarding of sexts as the result of attitude towards
the behavior, perceived norms, and self-efficacy. On the one hand, this behavior is regarded as wrong
and should not be done. On the other hand, it is rated as a positive behavior since it brings satisfaction
to the individual. The biggest driving force is the subjective norms perceived among their peer group.
Their peer groups were not only refrain from punishing this behavior, but also encouraged this.
Therefore, non-consensual forwarding of sexts is deemed to be easier when done with trusted people
like close friends. Even so, there is still the fear of getting caught by others, especially the victims.
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