
  • Dorothea Davita Vania
  • Fransisca Rosa Mira Lentari Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta



gender socialisation, dating violence, male adolescents, gender


Dating Violence cases, which are categorized as gender based violence are increasing from time
to time in Indonesia. Gender becomes a social characteristic that individuals learn from the
moment they are born and it is primarily being socialized by parents. This gender socialization
that one receives from early age until they reach adolescence stage, can play a role in shaping
one’s perception and attitude towards male and female, especially regarding romantic
relationship context, including how adolescents see the use of violence in a relationship. This study
aimed to find out the relationship between gender socialization from parents and attitude towards
dating violence in male adolescents from 16-21 years old. This study used quantitative crosssectional design. The participants were 125 male adolescents who were living in Jabodetabek with
parents and were obtained using convenience sampling. In this research, Gender-related
Socialization Scale (Raffaeli & Ontai, 2004; α = 0.859) and Attitude towards Male Dating
Violence (Price & Byers, 1999; α = 0.702-0.865) were used as data collection tools. From this
study, we found out there is a significant correlation between gender socialization from parents
and attitude towards dating violence, attitude towards physical, and also attitude towards sexual
violence. There was no significant correlation between gender socialization from parents and
attitude towards psychological violence. We also found out that participants who were currently
engaged in a relationship have a higher score in attitude towards sexual dating violence than
participants who were not in a relationship.


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