
  • Nanda Rossalia
  • Dwi Larasati Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta
  • Mohammad Adi Ganjar Priadi Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta




working wives, dual role, work family conflicts, long distance marriage


Every woman has a chance to work in any kind of job with any responsibilities, such as working
out of their domicile. For working wives, the differences between a husband’s and a wife’s roles
in the family make the working wive face a lot of conflicts due to their dual role as a worker and
a homemaker. It also give effort of every women to make their life steady, even if they have multi
role in their families. This can affect marriage satisfaction that it needs a good conflict
management to resolve the work-family conflict. This research aims to see the overview of work
family conflict for wives who are working out of their domicile. This research is using qualitative
method with semi-structure interview. Participants are wives who are working out of their
domicile, as a vocal instructure (35), flight attendant (27), and geologist (44), having children and
a working husband. Results show that all three participants have had different types of conflict in
a various context and experience. Participants experienced job spouse conflict, job parent conflict,
and job homemaker conflict. Future research should put focus on related variable with work family
conflict, such as age of marriage, conflict management, and so on.


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