
  • Carrisa Christianty Putri
  • Fransisca Rosa Mira Lentari Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta



intrapersonal conflict, perceived social support, working mother, first child


Working mothers who just had their first child face major changes in aspects of their life. Working
mothers have two roles that must be fulfilled in their daily life, being a mother and a worker. The
demands of these roles often create pressures that cause conflict within the mother herself.
Conflicts that occur within herself are called intrapersonal conflicts. This study aims to overview
intrapersonal conflicts and perceived social support in mothers who return to work after having
their first child. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with semi-structured
interview methods involving two participants who work professionally and have their first child
aged 0-18 months. The results of this study indicate that there is an intrapersonal conflict in the
roles of mother and worker. The type of conflict that arose in the two participants was the type of
multiple/double approach-avoidance conflict in which the two alternative choices, working and
caring for children, both had negative and positive values for the participants. Both participants
stated that the existence of social support from people around them, can help participants deal
with intrapersonal conflicts when they have to work leaving their children.


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