Dinamika Peer Group pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Unika Atma Jaya: Penelitian Cross-sectional dengan Metode Sosiometri


  • Ferdinand Prawiro Faculty of Psychology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
  • Debrita Purbaningrum




peer group dynamics, sociometric methods, undergraduate student


The current study aimed at describing the life of undergraduate student of Faculty of Psychology
Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia through peer group dynamics. Peer group often
determined who will be asked to join for doing an academic group task (‘kelompok tugas’), who
will be chosen to hang out together (‘teman nongkrong’), dan who can be trusted to talk about
personal issues (‘teman curhat’). Peer groups were not static, thus we also explored peer group
dynamics based on time dimension, i.e. beginning (‘semester 2’), middle (‘semester 4’) and end
(‘semester 6’) period of study. An explorative-descriptive research design with sociometric methods
were used in the study. Participants were 126 undergraduate students from the same year of entry.
Data were analyzed by means of sociomatrix, choice status of a person and sociogram. The results
showed the differences peer group dynamics between situations (kelompok tugas, teman nongkrong,
teman curhat) and between periods of study (semester 2, semester 4, semester 6). This study
revealed the possible use of sociometric methods for policy socialization strategy and as a method
for identifying potential academic and non-academic problems.


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