
  • Stephanie Laurentia Mahasiswa
  • Puji Tania Ronauli



In order to succeed the implementation of the policy of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka in The
Faculty of Psychology Unika Atma Jaya, student class of 2019 and 2020 are required to take the
short semester. In fact, the short semester aims to give the benefit both students and universities
so that the curriculum transformation could be well applied. However, the Short Semester is
perceived as a tough academic requirement for students. Many students feel pressured to take the
short semester, especially during this pandemic. Therefore, to deal with academic stress, students
need to optimize their psychological capital so that they are able to deal with the learning
difficulties. Currently, the psychological capital approach is being developed in education and
learning. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between academic stress and
psychological capital in semester students between FPUAJ. This study uses a quantitative
correlation method to analyse the correlation between academic stress and psychological capital
of short semester students in Unika Atma Jaya. This study involves 109 participants (65
participants from class of 2019 and 44 participants from class of 2020). The researcher used the
Student-Life Stress Inventory and PsyCap Questionnaire that is adapted to the study context and
through the pilot study process. The results of the study shows that academic stress and
psychological capital have a significant negative correlation. These findings show that the higher
the psychological capital of students, the lower their academic stress level will be. Resiliency in
psychological capital has also been proven to be the dimension that has the biggest significant
negative correlation with academic stress than other psychological capital dimensions


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2023-01-25 — Updated on 2023-01-31


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