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  • Gabriella Alika Rayna Soetopo Alumni
  • Wieka Dyah Partasari



Paternal involvement is necessary for children ages 6-12 to thrive optimally. On the other hand,
fathers face a challenge of having limited time to spend with their children as a result of being a
breadwinner to fulfil the family’s needs. This research aimed to identify the relationship between
the time fathers spent at work and the paternal involvement of fathers with children ages 6-12
years old. This was quantitative research with a correlational design. There were 50 fathers with
children between the ages of 6-12, currently working, and living in Jabodetabek as participants.
Father’s paternal involvement was measured using the Paternal Involvement Questionnaire. The
time fathers spent working were collected using a time sheet. Participants recorded their daily
activities within a 30-minute interval for 7 days. The hypothesis was tested using the Spearman
correlation test which showed that there was no significant relationship between the time fathers
spent at work and the paternal involvement of fathers with children ages 6-12 years old. This result
indicated that even if fathers spent more time working, this doesn’t mean they have lower paternal
involvement than fathers who spent less time working. For future research, it is recommended to
investigate further the relationship between father involvement, father's location of work, father's
assistance in taking care of children, and maternal gatekeeping.


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