Association Between Oral Hygiene and Glycemic Control Status with Periodontal Parameter in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

A Cross Sectional Study


  • Mora Octavia



Clinical Attachment Loss, Diabetes Mellitus, Gingival Recession, Glycemic control, Papillary Bleeding Index, Periodontal Pocket, Oral Hygiene Index


Introduction: Many studies have shown the role of DM in periodontal disease, but few have examined the effect of glycemic control in DM patients on periodontal status, especially in Indonesia. Determining the link between oral hygiene index, periodontal status, and glycemic status in type 2 DM patients may be beneficial to achieve a more holistic treatment of DM and periodontal disease.


Methods: This is a cross sectional study.Sixty-nine subjects over 30 years who were diagnosed with DM at Atma Jaya Teaching and Research Hospital, Indonesia, had not taken systemic antibiotics and undergone periodontal treatment for the last 6 months, and did not smoke for the past 1 year, were divided into thirty-two subjects of controlled glycemic group (HbA1c< 7%) and thirty-seven subjects of uncontrolled glycemic group (HbA1c >7%). The exclusion criteria were as follows: consumption of drugs which can increase the risk of diabetes and affect the healing of periodontal tissue, and pregnancy. Each group was tested for HbA1c, oral hygiene index (OH-Index), papillary bleeding index (PBI), periodontal pocket depth (PD), gingival recession (GR), and clinical attachment loss (CAL). Those parameters were compared between the two groups. OH-index was further divided into good, moderate, and poor, and periodontal parameters were also compared between those OH-index groups.


Results: There were no significant differences in OH-index, PD, GR, and CAL between the controlled and uncontrolled DM group (p>0,05), but there was significant difference in PBI between the two groups (p<0,05). There was significant difference in periodontal parameter between OH-index groups (p<0,05)


Conclusion: Glycemic control has more effect on reversible inflammatory periodontal parameters compared to irreversible parameters. Poor oral hygiene plays an important role in the etiology of periodontal disease, while type 2 DM only acts as a risk factor. Dental health education plays an important factor in improving periodontal status of diabetic patients.

Key Words: Clinical Attachment Loss, Diabetes Mellitus, Gingival Recession, Papillary Bleeding Index, Periodontal Pocket, Periodontitis, OH-index.


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How to Cite

Octavia M. Association Between Oral Hygiene and Glycemic Control Status with Periodontal Parameter in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross Sectional Study. DJM [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];21(2):113-26. Available from:
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