Appropriations of policies related to L2 academic writing practices in an Indonesian EFL teacher education program
policy appropriation, second language academic writing, publication, agencyAbstract
The current study investigates state and local polices that regulate academic writing and how they are appropriated in an English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) teacher education program in Indonesia. The significance of the current study lies in its affirmation to the notion that policy appropriations are multi-layered. That is, government policies may or may not be translated into local de jure and de facto regulations, and in turn these local policies evolve as they are used and negotiated among colleagues and/or with students. In an attempt to understand the layers of appropriations, interviews with four local instructors were conducted. This research will pave the way for further praxes to provide quality academic-writing instructions, in the light of, or regardless of, the state regulations.
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