Relevansi Etika Bisnis dalam Industri Jasa Kesehatan


  • Alois A Nugroho



Sumpah Hippocrates, kepentingan publik, ekonomi pasar


Keberhasilan yang pantas dicatat oleh ekonomi pasar adalah
terbentuknya masyarakat pasar. Perkembangan cara hidup modern berjalan
bersamaan dengan perkembangan ekonomi pasar dan kedua hal ini secara
menakjubkan menghancurkan tatanan sosial yang dibangun sejak awal. Para dokter
professional yang memegang secara teguh dan disiplin Sumpah Hippocrates harus
berhadapan dengan godaan ekonomi dan masyarakat pasar. Dengan kata lain
dokter-dokter itu tidak lagi disiplin, jujur dan pengertian. Kini Sumpah Hippocrates
hanya di atas kertas karena banyak dokter lebih memprioritaskan dimensi
ekonomis dari praktek kedokteran mereka dengan akibat ruang-ruang pengobatan
dan operasi yang seharusnya menjadi ruang personal berubah menjadi ruang
finansial belaka.


The social and political upheavals that took place during the rise of the market
economy contends that the market and the modern social practice should be understood not as
discrete elements, but as the single human making in the Market Society. The development of the
modern way of life went hand in hand with the development of modern market economies and that
these two were inevitably implied the destruction of the basic social order that had existed
throughout earlier history. Hippocratic medicine professionals that were notable for their strict
professionalism, discipline, and rigorous practice became unsustainable to preserve their traditional
system of production and social order. The Hippocratic Oath that recommends physicians to be
always well-kempt, honest, calm, understanding, and serious are far removed from that of modern
medicine professionalism. The Today Hippocratic physician paid careful attention to the economic
aspects of his practice rather than followed his detailed specifications given by Hippocratic Oath
for, "lighting, personnel, instruments, positioning of the patient, and techniques of bandaging and
splinting" in the treatment and operation room.


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How to Cite

Nugroho, A. A. (2019). Relevansi Etika Bisnis dalam Industri Jasa Kesehatan. Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial, 15(01), 97–111.
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