Karl Polanyi Menanam Ekonomi


  • B Herry Priyono



Kata Kunci:

Ekonomi yang tertanam dalam relasi sosial, Ekonomi yang tercerabut dari relasi sosial, Pengembangan komunitas, moralitas, embedded economy, disembedded economy, community development, morality


Karl Polanyi dikenal sebagai teoritikus ekonomi sosial yang menggagas
konsep ketertanaman ekonomi. Konsep tersebut dipaparkan dalam bukunya yang
termasyhur berjudul The Great Transformation (1944) sebagai titik sentral
dalam bidang sosiologi ekonomi. Bernard Barber mengkritik konsep ketertanaman
ekonomi Polanyi sebagai konsep yang ambigu dan karenanya tidak dapat menjadi
subjek utama dalam pemikiran ekonomi. Namun demikian, ketika menulis karya
The Great Transformation, Polanyi menjelaskan terjadinya proses komodifikasi atas
uang, tenaga kerja, dan tanah. Gagasan keternanaman ekonomi bersamaan dengan
konsepnya mengenai gerakan-balik memiliki urgensi pada konteks ini, dan karena itu
karyanya memiliki motif moral untuk menyelamatkan masyarakat.


Karl Polanyi has been recognized as a social-economic theorist for his concept
of embedded economy. The concept was well-organized in his book The Great Transformation
(1944) as the central point for the field of economic sociology. Bernard Barber
criticized Polanyi’s concept of embedded economy as something ambiguous and thus it
cannot become the subject in the same theoretical scrutiny as other classic works in the
field. For Barber, all economies are embedded and therefore there are central tensions
and complexities concerning land, money, and labour in Polanyi’s argument that must be
clarified. However, as he was writing the book, he developed several new concepts, including
fictitious commodities and embedded economy, that led in new directions to morality.
The prospect is to create the conditions of the possibility to balance economic interests in
financial sector with social interests in the real sectors. This is the meaning of double movement,
that is, to deliberate the market in order to save society.


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Cara Mengutip

Priyono, B. H. (2019). Karl Polanyi Menanam Ekonomi. Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial, 15(02), 137–217. https://doi.org/10.25170/respons.v15i02.568
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