Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

Regarding to our commitment to ensure good standard of publication ethics for our journals, ASEAN Marketing Journal adopts guidelines produced by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This guideline earmarked for authors, editors and reviews.

Authors should ensure the content of the manuscript is original. Citation should followed the generally references format.
The content of the manuscript has not been published earlier and the author has not transferred the right of her/his article to other parties, especially for publication purpose. Authors must ask for permission to publish their article (or a selection from the article) elsewhere, such as an article later appearing as a book chapter or as a translation.
Any form of plagriasm is prohibited and violate the law.
All data used related to the research should be available to be accessed by editors in order to prevent from the probabililty of data fabrication and falsification.
Authors should check their manuscripts for possible breaches of copyright law (e.g., where permissions are needed for quotations, artwork or tables taken from other publications) and secure the necessary permissions before submission.


Editors should help the authors in submitting their article to AMJ by providing a clear guideline and acceptable format.
Editors are responsible to all the manuscripts submitted and published in AMJ.
Editors ensure all manuscripts submitted to AMJ is not contain author's information.
Editors should be objective and has a fair judgement while assessing the manuscript. All the biased that possible to occurr should be set aside.
Editors should disclose all the comments and recommendation from reviewer about the manuscript.
All the decision made by editors should be sent to the author with the provided schedule.
Editor should keep all manuscripts confidential.


Assessing the manuscript should be free from any possible biases.
Reviewers should give professional comments and recommendations that are relevant to the manuscript.
The reviewing prosess should be done in blind so the reviewer's identity should be confidential.
Reviewers should keep the manuscripts confidential.
Reviewers are expected to accomplish the reviewing process in a certain period of time. If there is no possibly to finish the process in a given time, reviewers should notify the editors.

Conflict of Interests

As prevention of any possibility of conflict of interest occurs, below are three things that should be addressed and be considered by authors, editors, and reviewers:

Authors are required to disclose all sources of institutional, private, and corporate financial support for their studies.
If there is a relationship between the editor and the author, then AMJ reserves the right to appoint another editor
Reviewers are expected to be more concerned with the chance of a conflict of interest and if there is a conflict of interest on a manuscript, the reviewers must report to the editor