Peningkatan Kualitas Produk GRC (Glassfibre Reinforced Cement) Roster pada UD. XYZ Malang Menggunakan Metode Taguchi


  • Muhammad Sigit Prabowo
  • Yurida Ekawati



Quality, Taguchi, Cost Analysis, GRC Roster


The growth of manufacturing industries has caused the competition among
companies becomes tighter. Therefore, companies need to make an effort to
survive. One of the things that must be considered is the quality of products
produced by the company. This research is conducted to design a refinement or quality
improvement for GRC roster products in UD. XYZ Malang. The quality improvement
is done with Taguchi method experimental design in order to get optimal combination
for the materials. As for the orthogonal array notation used is L9(34
) with gypsum (A),
sand (B), cement (C), and water (D) as the controlling factors. The data processing is
carried out using ANOVA towards the average value and SNR with larger the better
classification. The ANOVA calculation is done in order to find out the significantly
influential factors in product durability. The test done to find out the product durability is
a pressure test. According to the result of data processing, the ratio of optimal mixture
composition gypsum:sand: cement: wateris 2:2:2:1 (A3, B2, C3, dan D2). A confirmation
experiment is conducted to the optimal composition. The analysis of the material cost for
each experiment is done to justify the effectiveness of the optimal designed product
chosen. Based on the pressure durability and cost calculation, the mean of result is 13,256
kg/cm2 for the pressure durability which indicates the quality is better than the exsisting
product and able to save costs of Rp 1.630,927 in order to produce one GRC Roster.






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