Analisis Kenyamanan Termal Ruang Kuliah


  • Yuswono Hadi
  • Tabitha Azaria
  • Purnomo .
  • Novenda K. Putrianto
  • Teguh Oktiarso
  • Yurida Ekawati
  • Sunday Noya



Air Conditioner, Ergonomic, Green Building, Thermal Comfort


Bhakti Persada Building is one of the main buildings at Ma Chung University
that serves as a place for the lecture process and student activities. Every room
of Bhakti Persada Building has an AC that is on every day and there are very
adequate windows and vents. The study aims to provide thermal comfort to the
space users by measure temperature, humidity, and wind speed before and after
the engineering of space facilities using SNI 6390: 2011 for temperature and
humidity as well as the MENKES No.261 / MENKES / SK / 11/1998 standard
for wind speed. In addition, this study was also conducted by paying attention
to environmental issues, especially energy utilization, so that later it will be
obtained scheduling to use of air conditioners as well as the efficiency of the use
of electrical energy after the engineering of space facilities. The results of
thermal comfort analysis after engineering the room facilities, obtained the time
zone of the lecture room using a propeller fan is the time zone I and II for all
sizes of lecture rooms while for time zone III all lecture rooms will use air
conditioning because the temperature increases ± 0, 5 ° C, and for time zone IV
lecture rooms with sizes 5 x 9 m, 6 x 9 m and 8 x 9 m the second floor will use
a fan and a room size 8 x 9 m and 10 x 9 m third floor will use AC. After the
engineering of space facilities, it was also found that the efficiency of the use of
electrical energy in the lecture hall of the Bhakti Persada Building was 53%.






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