Analisis Manajemen Risiko Aktivitas Pengadaan pada Percetakan Surat Kabar


  • Deshtyan Erlangga Adi
  • Novie Susanto


House of Risk, Risk Management, Procurement, Mitigation


Risk management is a management effort to control risk the company's
operational activities by conducting risk analysis, risk evaluation and its
mitigation plan. Risk management efforts are feasible to be applied into the
business activities of the company including the procurement activities. PT
Masscom Graphy is a printing company that its main request is printing Suara
Merdeka newspaper. Since June 2016, there has been a decrease in demand of
27,000 copies of Suara Merdeka newspapers which resulted in disruption of the
company's cash flow. It responded by the company by applying a tight money
policy on every company activity including procurement activities. Such policies
increase the risks that may occur, so that risk management efforts are needed to
minimize the impact that can occur. The House of Risk method is used to identify
risk events and the risk agents that cause them, and to design mitigation actions
to address those risk agents. The results showed that there were 13 risk events and
17 identified risk agents, with the priority risk agents to be addressed were A2
risks (no contracts formed with suppliers) and A14 (application of the same
procurement strategy to each raw material). Recommended mitigation actions are
(1) review of contract system, (2) differentiation of procurement strategy, (3)
mapping of raw material characteristics, and (4) supplier performance evaluation.






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