The influence factors toward personal improvement and employment outcomes


  • Cheng Wen Lee
  • Alum Kusumah


meaning of work, responsibility, awareness of work, activities' outcome, personal improvement, employment outcomes


This study has the background of companies that place their workers only as
input factors (assets) but do not place them as equal partners who need each
other, related in be up against increasingly complex challenges and to develop
the organization. Values and norms poorly governed and rarely well developed;
therefore, organizations merely assign workers as the assets rather than as power
resource. The research objective is to examine the factors that influence personal
improvement and employment outcomes at PAA Company. The population
utilized is all PAA company with a total of 273 employees with 152 respondents
taken as samples. Data collection through the distribution of questionnaires
which then processed and analyzed using multiple linear regression data analysis
techniques with SPSS 20.00 for Windows. The result of the variables tested
represents as follows: the meaning of work, responsibility, and awareness of
work activities' outcome simultaneously has a significant effect on personal
improvement and employment outcomes. The variable of the meaning of work
& responsibility by partially does not have a significant influence. On the direct
contrary, awareness of work activities' outcome partially has a significant
influence on personal improvement and employment outcomes.






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