Data Storytelling with Dashboard: Accelerating Understanding Through Data Visualization in Financial Technology Company Case Study


  • Ferdian Suprata



Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Data Scientist, Storytelling, Dashboard


In the rapid development many organisation rely on context data to support as
well as to assist its decision making process. Consequently, Business
Intelligence (BI), Dashboard, and Data Visualization emerged as primary tools
in early 1990s as a way to help practitioners, data analyst, and data scientist to
present context data into an actionable information for decision making process.
However, despite its robust and powerful tools, recent study done by Kaggle’s
survey in 2017 resulted that in the last five years, many companies were not able
to create effective data-driven dashboard due to complex dataset, poor
dashboard design, and insufficient storytelling. Hence, understanding of who is
going to use dashboard, choosing which data and metrics to visualize in the right
context, knowing how to convey information, driving engagement, and
persuading audiences are essential in current business practices. This study is
aimed to help practitioners to understand the impact of effective dashboard can
have on decision making process, to design leveraging dashboard, and to present
the dashboard in storytelling. A literature study is performed to gather all
relevant information resulted in guidelines for dashboard creator. Case study in
financial technology company is applied to experiment and to test the guidelines
for assisting dashboard creator to present data-driven insight to the stakeholder.






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