Analisis Kelayakan Budidaya Ikan Nila dengan Sistem Akuaponik dan Pakan Buatan di Dusun Ponggang, Jawa Barat


  • Adriel Pradita Siantara
  • Lydia Limantara
  • Lucyana Dewi


Feasibility, Fish Farming, Ponggang Village, Investment, Aquaponics, fish feed


Fish is an alternative to animal protein to meet the needs of various circles of
society. This is evidenced by the contribution of fish proteins to animal protein
consumption reaches 57% of Indonesian society. With the increasing demand
for fish consumption in the community, then it needs to be made of fish
farming as a source of fish supply. Tilapia fish (nila fish) is one commodity that
can be developed for the domestic market and export. The problem that often
arises is about the feasibility of fish farming itself, the lack of quality water to
the source of fish life, and high costs necessary for the fulfillment of fish feed
on a system of fish farming, because in general the price of fish food available
in the market are relatively expensive. In this research, feasibility analysis
tilapia fish farming with artificial feed is integrated with Aquaponics system in
Ponggang Village, West Java. This research was conducted in the Ponggang
Village, district Serang Panjang, Subang, West Java, namely to develop
activities in fish farming to make fish feed artificial raw materials are easily
obtained by the local community and with simple techniques, so the approach
taken more towards rural communities, namely that the local community is able
to apply and costs need to be incurred for the preparation of an integrated
system of fish farming is also relatively small.






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