Rancang Bangun Alat Sentrigufal Pencuci Daging Buah Kelapa Menggunakan Cairan Air Kelapa (Pre-Processing Metode Sentrifugasi)


  • Hadi Santosa
  • Yuliati .
  • Ig. Jaka Mulyana




Virgin Coconut Oil, (VCO), Coconut Water, Timer, Adjustable


The diversification of the coconut processing industry into Virgin Coconut Oil
(VCO) as a more prospective coconut derivative is currently still growing
rapidly. VCO is a virgin coconut oil product that is beneficial for health, and can
be used as a raw material for natural cosmetics which has high economic value.
Preliminary research has successfully designed the construction of a coconut
husk peeler and a coconut shell breaker machine as an early stage in the VCO
production process technology. The discussion of this paper covers the design
of a coconut meat washing machine utilizing coconut water which consists of a
rotating tube with an adjustable tube rotation speed with an inverter and an
electric motor as the driving force equipped with a high pressure nozzle with ±
75 psi pressure. Inside the tube there is a retaining divider that regulates the flow
of the washed coconut meat. The washing process uses coconut water to wash
coconut meat in a washing tube that rotates at a certain speed as needed with a
capacity of 8 kg timer for ± 3-5 minutes. Coconut water is drained and coconut
meat is ready for the next process.






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