Course Design Based on Students’ English Skill Cluster: A Case Study in a University Language Center


  • Eldwin Ilham Murpratomo
  • Amelia Kurniawati
  • Hilman Dwi Anggana



Course design, K-Means, clustering, students’, English skills


The English Proficiency Test (EPrT) is a prediction test for English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL), which is a prerequisite for graduation at XYZ University.
The Language Center provides a course for EPrT preparation. The course posttest data shows that only 74% of students met the graduation prerequisites. This
study aims to develop an English course design based on the students’ English
skill cluster. This study uses the K-Means clustering approach to classify the
students based on English skills. The respondents are 397 students who joined
the EPrT preparation course in October and November 2018. The 397 students
are distributed into 3 clusters, which are 174 students in cluster 1, 116 students
in cluster 2, and 107 students in cluster 3. Cluster 1 consists of students with the
score below average. Cluster 2 consists of students with the total score above
average, but the components score is below average. Cluster 3 consists of
students with pre-test total score below average, but the post-test score are above
average. Therefore, the EPrT preparation course is suggested to have different
levels, instead of one level as now. The course materials are designed to be
suitable for students’ initial English skills at each level.






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