Analisis Kinerja, Seleksi dan Pengembangan Vendor Trucking di Perusahaan Logistik


  • Merlin Dyah Wati
  • Yugowati Praharsi
  • Devina Puspita Sari



Critical Success Factor, (CSF), Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Root Cause Analysis (RCA)


Freight forwarding is a logistics company which provide land delivery services
rely heavily on trucking vendors. The available trucking vendors may not fulfill
the company's expectations. Therefore the research was conducted to analyze
the performance, selection process, management and development of 26
trucking vendors. The research began with the formation of a Critical Success
Factor (CSF) and its development, namely a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
in accordance with company objectives. Then the CSF and KPI was weighted
through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, determined the optimal
performance value of each KPI, measured the performance of each vendor
through the scoring method, analyzed the performance of the trucking vendor
that was not optimal through Root Cause Analysis (RCA) by looking for the
cause based on fishbone diagrams and FMEA tables, as well as providing
suggestions regarding the management and development of trucking vendors.
The results of the study were 11 CSFs and 28 KPIs that were formed. Based on
the selection process conducted on 26 trucking vendors, there are 3 excellent
vendors, 4 very good vendors, 11 good vendors, 3 matching vendors, and 5
unsatisfactory vendors. Furthermore, researcher conducted root cause analysis
(RCA) of vendor representatives “matching” and “unsatisfactory” categories
with fishbone diagrams and FMEA tables. Where the 5 highest RPN values from
the FMEA table were given suggestions for improvement. Meanwhile, the
excellent, very good, and good vendor categories are developed through
strategic plans for the future.






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