Dampak Kenaikan Tarif Dasar Listrik Terhadap Institusi Rumah Tangga di Indonesia dengan Model Computable General Equilibrium


  • Yuki Tiara Wiharja
  • Christine Natalia


CGE, SAM, GAMS, electricity price rising


Electricity price has risen for 10% every year in average . The reason for making the price rising is to reduce
the electricity subsidy that been given by PLN as the main distributor of electricity in Indonesia. The aim of
reducing the subsidy is increase the process of electricity equalization among other remote regions in
Indonesia. In 2008, Indonesian Bureau of Statistics (BPS) noted that household institutions absorbed around
50% of national electricity consumption. For that reason, household institutions were in the first place as the
highest user of electricity, while industrial sectors were in the second place. Computable General
Equilibrium (CGE) is a mathematical model that formulates the general equilibrium problems. CGE model
was started from the economy theory, economic mathematic, and computation theory. Formulation of CGE
model will be further analyzed by the aid of software called GAMS. GAMS is a software developed by GAMS
Development Corporation. GAMS is the first software that using an algebraic modeling language for its
input. By using a CGE method. It is expected to give a picture of the impact in implementing a new policy
related to the rising price of electricity. After the simulation process, the result showed that the rising of
electricity price affect other commodities price.






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