Perancangan Stasiun Kerja Ergonomis untuk Operator Pemotongan Bahan Baku di Pabrik Genteng Jatiwangi, Kabupaten Majalengka


  • Dony Susandi
  • Arif Rijaluddin
  • Abdul Chaliq


Ergonomics, Work Design, Anthropometric, Energy Expenditure, Biomechanic


In the production department of a manufacturing company, ergonomic, healty and safety should be a major
concern. It’s a departement with an high accident work rate. One of approach method in the improvement of
working methods of cutting provider of raw materials are antrhopmometri in ergonomics, its can be used to
improve the working tools of the operator so that work equipment is used in accordance with the standards
body anthopometri operator. Nordic body map used to recognize the parts of the body operators that have
complaint at the time of cutting raw material that aim to reduce the complaints that occur when they doing
his job. The study was conducted with the biomechanical approach to the condition before and after work.
Previous measurements of anthropometric dimensions of the body to obtain a standard tool used by
operators of production department. Biomechanical analysis focused only on the link and joint body parts
operators has complaints while working to obtain the energy consumption before and after work. The initial
dimension of the raw material table slider 350 x 25 cm with a single cutting of the raw material resulting in
repeated cuts. The result of dimensional redesign raw material table slider that indicate significant
differences, the dimension needed are 530 x 70 cm. By using raw materials slider table current condition
the energy expenditure result are 4,6375 kcal/min. Based on standard workload Lehman 3,75 kcal/min, the
energy expenditure operators showed that cuts the raw material requires greater energy. Through the
redesign of the raw material table slider and better cutting methode, the forces and moments acting on the
operators when work will create the new workload position. The energy expenditure of the new workload
position indicate better result and operators doing their job with a standard workload.






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