Implementation of Digital Marketing Technology and Product Quality Improvement Training for Palm Sugar Entrepreneurs In Makasili Village
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Digital Marketing, Product Quality, Palm SugarAbstrak
Digital marketing is an effective and efficient strategy in the marketing process and attracts consumers to get to know the products and services offered. Makasili Village is a village where one of the livelihoods is palm sugar entrepreneurs, the community makes palm sugar as a source of income, but the income from selling palm sugar is still mediocre. The purpose of this service is to increase knowledge in operating digital marketing and increase knowledge about the quality of palm sugar products to increase partner income. The methods used are (1) Outreach (2) Implementation of digital marketing technology and product quality improvement training. Based on the analysis of the results of improving product quality, partners who feel helped by giving a yes answer of 90%. after being given training and assistance in using digital marketing, 95% had a good opinion about the benefits of digital marketing. Analysis of the results of an increase in income obtained has increased, that is, each partner has an increase in income of 100%. It was concluded that after receiving training supported by sales using digital marketing there has been an increase in income.
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