Simulasi Sistem Pengendalian Motor Stepper dengan Metode Pulse Width Modulation
Astable Multivibrator, Controller, PWM, Microcontroller, Stepper Motor, SimulationAbstract
This paper discusses the control of a stepper motor using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) methods. In this paper, the author presents two designs: one using a stepper motor controller with an astable multivibrator as a pulse generator and the other utilizing a microcontroller as the pulse generator. The design of the stepper motor controller with an astable multivibrator involves using the IC timer 555 to control the stepper motor speed and a latch circuit to control the direction of the stepper motor rotation. Meanwhile, the design of the stepper motor controller with a microcontroller employs the Arduino UNO R3 to control both the direction and speed of the stepper motor. Testing is conducted through a simulation of the system design using Proteus software. From the test results, it is observed that an increase in the PWM value leads to a faster rotation speed of the stepper motor, conversely, a decrease in PWM value results in a slower rotation speed of the stepper motor.
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