

Praise and gratitude to God for the greatness of His love, the publication of the Journal of Psycho-Education is here again with Edition Volume 22 Number 2. This edition contains several articles on several problems in the world of education, including the effectiveness of REBT group counseling with journaling techniques in improving the emotional regulation skills of grade XII students at SMA Bunda Hati Kudus Jakarta, the role of guidance and counseling teachers in developing oral communication of deaf students at SMPLB Tunaru Pangudi Luhur West Jakarta, exploration of the relationship between self-efficacy and academic procrastination, student attachment to parents, reading interest of grade VI students at SDN Inpres VIM 3 Kotaraja, utilization of information and communication technology in learning at SD Kartika X-5 school.
Thank you for the participation of the article writers who have contributed scientific thinking both through literature studies and empirical research that enrich the journal of Psycho-Education in the treasury of knowledge. Thank you also to the editors who have taken the time to provide useful input for the authors.
We look forward to contributions of articles from readers for the next edition so that the journal of Psycho-Education can develop further in presenting scientific studies and knowledge. Happy reading. God bless.

Jakarta, October 2024

Editor in Chief