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  • Yohanes Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya



Life Design-based Career Counseling, Career Construction Counseling, Job Guidance, Career Education


In the current era of disruption, workers face job instability as the result of rapid and radical changes in the world of work. Uncertainty about work requires workers to be able to develop strong self-characteristics so that they have a high ability to adapt to change. Individuals who face the problem of job instability and frequently change job types will really need help from a career counselor. The type of assistance needed is career counseling for 21st century workers which is different from previous career counseling approaches.

The two main paradigms in career intervention, namely Vocational Guidance and Career Education, are considered inadequate to meet people's demands in the era of communication and information technology which has changed their way of life. This is the background to the emergence of a new paradigm called Life Design-based career counseling. Career counseling based on the Life Design paradigm or often called Career Construction Counseling is considered the right solution for dealing with career problems in the era of disruption because career construction counseling has the advantage of: it aims to construct life skills that every individual must have in facing rapid and radical changes, and focuses on an individual's ability to actively construct or structure experiences and knowledge through stories and language. The Life Design-based career counseling paradigm focuses on flexibility, work readiness, commitment, emotional intelligence, and lifelong learning processes.


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2023-10-31 — Updated on 2023-12-01


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