
  • A.R.CITRA EVRISTA PERTIWI Universitas Kristen Indonesia
  • Hotmaulina Sihotang Universitas Kristen Indonesia




Mental health, digital era, the role of school


In the digital era, which is characterized by the rapid development of technology, it has an impact on the mental health condition of students. Inappropriate use of technology, especially social media, can disrupt the mental health of students. Mental health disorders in question can include excessive anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, sleep disturbances, and self-drawing. Based on this condition, the research topic "School Efforts to Improve the Mental Health of Educators in the Digital Age" was raised. The purpose of this research is to provide an understanding of the importance of the mental health of educators in the digital age and how the school's efforts to improve the mental health of educators in the digital age.The research method used is a literature study by reviewing various scientific sources. The results showed the importance of mental health in the digital era for students and there are efforts that schools can make to achieve the mental well-being of students. In this way, it is hoped that students can be prevented from mental health disorders and develop optimally.


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