
  • Nosifielda Rodena Siahaan Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
  • Yoseph Pedhu Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia



self-control, learning, learning behavior, academics, guidance and counseling


Self-control in learning is an individual's ability to regulate and direct learning behavior that can lead to a positive direction. Self-control in learning has three components, namely behavioral control, cognitive control, and decision control. The purpose of this research is to analyze the level of self-control of junior high school students in learning and its implication to academic guidance and counseling. This research uses quantitative research with descriptive research. Data was collected using an assessment scale instrument developed by the researchers. Based on the results of testing the instrument on 70 respondents, it was found that out of 30 statements, 27 statements were declared valid with a reliability coefficient of 0.920. The results of this study showed that 42 students (72%) had a high level of self-control in learning, 16 students (28%) were in the medium category, and no students (0%) were in the low category. The t test results obtained were 0.626, greater than 0.05, which shows that there is no difference based on self-control in learning based on the student's gender. Implications for guidance and counseling are discussed in this research.


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